Taking a short break from study reading because I strongly believe that brief resting periods after learning aids memory, hehe. Wish I could take a break forever from reading this book, hahaha! 😂 😭
Taking a short break from study reading because I strongly believe that brief resting periods after learning aids memory, hehe. Wish I could take a break forever from reading this book, hahaha! 😂 😭
Q : What is your favorite read of 2017 so far? ☺ 📚
My favorite 2017 read so far is Heartless. 💔👑 I love Jest so much! 💕
#heartless #marissameyer
I loved the connection of TPWF with my favorite children's book, The Velveteen Rabbit. 🐰
#thevelveteenrabbit #theproblemwithforever
Bookmail! 😍 This is the 10th Anniversary edition of TRW with exclusive content including the never-before-seen original ending. Yup, I just found out that this book is already a decade old. So that explains the cassette tapes.☺
What are your top 5 favorite YA contemporary books?
1. Hawthorne and Heathcliff
2. Words in Deep Blue
3. Since You've Been Gone
4. The Sun Is Also A Star
5. The Problem With Forever
#wordsindeepblue #illgiveyouthesun #unexpectedeverything #thesunisalsoastar #fangirl
"Holding Eleanor's hand was like holding a butterfly. Or a heartbeat. Like holding something complete, and completely alive." Rainbow Rowell, Eleanor & Park
If your life story was a book, what book would it be? ?
The first and most favorite novel I read was The Wizard of Oz which I borrowed from a seatmate when I was in 4th grade. That day and every day since for the past years, reading has become a huge part of who I am. 💚
Q: What is the first book you remember reading?
The Last Letter From Your Lover by Jojo Moyes is in my top 10 favorite books of all time. It's so sad and tragic, yet hopeful. 💕
Anyway, who among the classic Disney Princesses are you most like? Are you a dreamer like Ariel, brave like Merida or a bookworm like Belle? I think I am these three princesses rolled into one.👑
#thelastletterfromyourlover #jojomoyes #thelittlemermaid #disneyprincess
So far, this is my favorite read this 2017. What's yours?
#heartless #marissameyer #myBOOKetlist #litsyph #booksph #bookshelf #books #books📚 #bookworm #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #bookstore #booksarelife #littens
When we follow our hearts, we cease to have regrets. 💞
What's your favorite book quote?☺📚
#heartless #marissameyer
What's the book that you love and hate at the same time? Mine's E&P. I loved it bc of Eleanor's character. She's exceptionally resilient, funny and perceptive. I hope that I can be like her one day, hehe. I hated it bc the story was about first love. Lol! 😍✌
#eleanorandpark #rainbowrowell #firstlove
"If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there." #thefeels
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
#myBOOKetlist #ynahsBOOKetlist #booksph #bookshelf #books #books? #bookworm #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #bookstore #booksarelife
Hi! I'm Ynah, a bibliophile from the Philippines. 🌴💞
#aliceinwonderland #myBOOKetlist #ynahsBOOKetlist #booksph #bookshelf #books #books📚 #bookworm #bookish #bibliophile #booklover #bookstore #booksarelife