Not sure how I'm feeling about this book....
Not sure how I'm feeling about this book....
My current favorite ❤️️
An enjoyable YA read about a fierce heroine in a medieval fantasy world. Had some issues with Katsa's stance on marriage and a woman's role in her world, but judging by the other reviews I've read, I don't think I'm alone. Nevertheless, I still recommend it.
Super glad I read this cult-classic... I now feel initiated into the world of adult fiction. Hilarious and pleasant to read, though a bit slow when we weren't focused on our favorite angel and demon duo.
There needs to be a rating that is equivalent to "OMG THIS IS ONE OF MY NEW FAVORITE BOOKS." But, alas, I just have to choose Pick. This is the book that I've been longing for; one to pull me out of my reading and writing slumber and remind me why I love the written word and the magic it creates. Highly recommend.
Unless it's a GoT novel, if a book takes me longer than a month to read, there's trouble afoot. The prose is beautiful and I have to tip my hat off to Mitchell for the technicality of the work, but man. What a jumbled, garbled, lengthy mess. Apparently it's his thing to genre-mix but I can't even begin to sort out all of his themes and messages because I'm still figuring out why the hell Crispin Hershey wasn't cut from the final draft. ✌🏻️
A fun, light read that I'm sure is much more enjoyable on stage. I'm struggling with it being marketed as the 8th book. Too many plot holes, continuity errors, and out of character moments for me to truly believe it as canon.
Crying bc I can't really process what I'm holding in my hands right now #harrypotter #currentlyreading
Days where I go late into work means that I have time to charge through this beaut. 👌🏻 #whatimreading #theboneclocks