Everyone, young and old, needs to read this book.
Everyone, young and old, needs to read this book.
All about the illustrations.
" and upon my Imagination.... I float." Love love love.
"Do not trust stories. Stories can be very dangerous. Always ask why someone is telling you this story, their ultimate goal is to take a part of their mind and slyly sneak it into your mind. You think it's entertainment, but it's actually an infestation."
It's here!!! Harry Potter, Harry Potter yeah!!!
I feel like we're off to infiltrate the Death Star in a Prius.
So excited! What could the girls possibly get involved with next?!?!?
"Who are you calling beef-witted? Your mother was a hamster, and your father stank of elderberries." Aaaaannnd there's the Monty Python.
This book kept being compare to Princess Bride. Finally. "Inconceivable"
If you can't take the risk of doing something you want when the chance comes, life isn't worth living.
"She associated English accents with singing teapots, schools for witchcraft, and the science of deduction."
#fireman #theseareafewofmyfavoritethings