"Take this squirrel, for instance. Ulysses. Do I believe he can type poetry? Sure, I do believe it. There is much more beauty in the universe if I believe such a thing is possible." #floraandulysses #katedicamillo
"Take this squirrel, for instance. Ulysses. Do I believe he can type poetry? Sure, I do believe it. There is much more beauty in the universe if I believe such a thing is possible." #floraandulysses #katedicamillo
What do you do when you wanna get in on the action with the new Harry Potter book that everyone is talking about but *gasp* never actually read the original series? Yep, order the whole box set and devour them like it's 1999 #tardytotheparty #betterlatethannever #harrypotterreadathon
If you want to understand any woman you must first ask about her mother and then listen carefully. Stories about food show a strong connection. Wistful silences demonstrate unfinished business. The more a daughter knows the details of her mother's life- without flinching or whining- the stronger the daughter. #septphotochallenge #womenauthors
My first foray into #septphotochallenge with a #bookrainbow or a #readingrainbow (#puns) with a few old favorites and one of my new favorites The Nightengame by Kristin Hannah