Which do you prefer to read? Popular books or interesting books ( which are not so popular, but the description sounds interesting..)? #books #amazonkindle #barnesandnoble
Which do you prefer to read? Popular books or interesting books ( which are not so popular, but the description sounds interesting..)? #books #amazonkindle #barnesandnoble
Ruth ware replied to my comment on twitter. Yay!!!!!
Been trying to master this art #timemanagement
Let's do this hypothetical question, if you was told you had to go to this place for a whole year, you are allowed to bring every book by 4 of your favorite authors with you, what 4 authors books are you bringing with you? Mine would be (J.K.Rowling, Stephenie meyer,Gillian flynn, Nicholas sparks )
I ve got Luna lovegood. !!! Dreamy dreamy....🥰🤩🤩 Who have you got?
Looking forward to how this is going to end. The final book in the Twilight saga...as far as the story goes. But then MIDNIGHT SUN is due for release soon. Love this. !!! #teamedward #twilight #breakingdawn
This is the best book in this series so far. And so many revelations. The dilemma faced by Bella is described vividly. The conversations between Bella and Edward are priceless and they are so deep. And so do the dialogues between Jacob and Bella. The complexity of love is brought about with clarity. And throughout the book you will be seeing the world through Bella's eyes and at one point of time, you will start thinking like her. Love this book!!
“Isabella Swan?” He looked up at me through his impossibly long lashes, his golden eyes soft but, somehow, still scorching. “I promise to love you forever—every single day of forever. Will you marry me?”
I love this series. Love the characters, and I just adore the storyline. But at certain points, I am feeling it difficult to comprehend the writing of the descriptions and the events. Does anyone else feel the same?
My current read. Absolutely useful productivity tips. And tools to make the maximum use of your time. Loving it. 🥰
Just now joined Litsy. And I am already hooked. It's so cool. It's definitely like Instagram for booklovers. Only better.😀👍🏻
Currently reading "Eclipse" by Stephenie meyer. Loving it. This series has filled me with awe. ?