Book Swag!
ok, finally got up off my lazy butt to pick a new book #readathon #deweys24hourreadathon I chose this one because it was the closest one to where I am sat.
😀This came in the mail today! I knew next to nothing about Dune somehow (spice? worms? Sting in a space diaper?) I did peep the movie yesterday, so I know a little bit more now. hah. But I will say it again, I am a sucker for a pretty cover and a brightly sprayed edge! I'm out here like a collecting things like a book magpie. I'm not going to start this for the #readathon because it's gigantic. Further updates down the line though! 😀
#readathon #deweys24hourreadathon enjoyed this one! I haven't read a baseball book in a while, so that was cool, even though it's more about desperate people with crushing medical debt, what happens when science runs amok and corporations own everything... (hint, It's not great!) Also there's a bit of a murder mystery. Give it a try if any of those things sound interesting! ✅
Just getting started with my first read! A bit late, but I had a craft fair to go to this morning! #readathon #deweys24hourreadathon