1) Virginia
2) To Kill a Mockingbird
3) Harry Potter
4) Labyrinth
5) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
6) Otis Redding
7) Green
8) Literary fiction, mystery/thriller, and some magic/fantasy
9) I work in local government
10) Three adorable cats
1) Virginia
2) To Kill a Mockingbird
3) Harry Potter
4) Labyrinth
5) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
6) Otis Redding
7) Green
8) Literary fiction, mystery/thriller, and some magic/fantasy
9) I work in local government
10) Three adorable cats
Such an amazing book. The writing is beautiful, the story is horrifying, and the editor‘s notes are a heart-wrenching reminder of the author‘s fate. If you‘re a true crime fan, you should definitely have this on your list. I would advise against reading it right before bed.
Just got home from an amazing day of book events. Listening to David Grann, Kevin Young, and Erica Armstrong Dunbar talk about their amazing non-fiction books was definitely a highlight.
Really fascinating book. The beginning was a little slow and dense for me but once I got about 20% in it really hit a stride. I‘m excited to hear Kevin Young speak this weekend at the Virginia Festival of the Book.
Spending this snow day cuddled up by the fire with a cat and a great graphic novel.
I really loved this story. It was beautiful and heartbreaking and yet ended full of hope. I highly recommend it.
I‘d say I had a very successful trip to the Green Valley book fair yesterday.
I thought this was a really fascinating look at a story of crime and powerlessness in rural America. I‘m looking forward to hearing the author speak at the VA Festival of the Book in a few weeks.
This was a fun weekend read with sharp, smart humor. Over the course of several months a professor with a calm midwestern life throws herself into chaos and then struggles to pick up the pieces.
It took me a little bit to get into the stream-of-consciousness style of the book, but I ended up really loving it.
This was a quick, witty, and humorous read. I wish it had a little more depth, but overall I really enjoyed it.
Since it‘s freezing outside I‘ve finished this book under a cozy blanket by the fire. I devoured this book - it‘s wonderfully written and a fascinating premise that examines what makes a family.
Loved this book. It was a delightful whodunit murder mystery within a mystery with a fun and interesting plot. I highly recommend it.
What a beautifully written, absolutely lyrical book. Loved the Southern gothic atmosphere. I can see this being a book I return to over the years.
I really enjoyed the humor in this book. It‘s not my first Gaiman but was my first introduction to Pratchett and I‘d be interested in checking out more. I am looking forward to the miniseries.
This book has a beautiful cover and the writing was beautiful but I had a hard time getting into it. It felt more like an assortment of characters doing things than a cohesive narrative. I may give it a reread in the future to see if it was my mood/state of mind.
Nothing ground breaking, but this was a fun witchy story perfect for October. I‘m interested enough to want to read the next installment.
Just finished Lauren Groff‘s first novel this morning. While I enjoyed Fates and Furies more, this was definitely a delightful family drama with plenty of humor and just the right dose of magical realism. It definitely kept me turning the pages.
I recently read this book and then participated in a discussion hosted at the local African-American Heritage Center. I can‘t stress enough how important I think it is for white feminists to read this work to understand the importance of intersectionality, and to really understand why Davis refused to identify as feminist. Next month we‘re reading Freedom is a Constant Struggle and I‘m very excited.
Overall I really enjoyed this book. Her portrayal of DC is pretty spot on. Not quite everyone who works in government/politics is quite like that, but many are.
I mean this whole page gives me stress flashbacks. But also it was fun.
I didn‘t have high expectations going into this book, but I actually really enjoyed it. I knew nothing about Mileva Maric going into this book, and am now interested to learn more about her.
A fascinating look at a ridiculous campaign from an up close and personal view point. It was hard, but I‘m glad I read this.
Hillary, you drink all the Chardonnay you need. I feel like we should all buy you a bottle.
I can't even imagine how it must feel for Hillary to hear these women say they didn't vote, and stomach their hope that she will absolve then in some way. Voting is basically the are minimum you should do to be an involved citizen.
Ehh. This books was fun once you get past the beginning (and I did not like the beginning), but I never found it great.
Hmmmm. About 100 pages in and finally starting to get into this book. It's a book club pick and I generally like books about magic, so I'm going to keep going.
19 pages in an I've already cried.
Started out a little slow and Tiger Lily felt a little flat to me at first. The second half of the book picked up the pace and Tiger Lily felt more real, so ultimately I'm glad I read it.
A somewhat light and fun read after a few more serious books. A retelling of Peter Pan. I'm enjoying it enough to keep going but I'm not completely enthralled yet.
Really fascinating look at the four rebellious personalities behind the making of the birth control pill. I highly recommend it.
Headlines getting science wrong goes back decades upon decades. The more things change, the more things stay the same.
Digging into my next read. I've been looking forward to this one.
Beautiful story. The ending felt a little rushed and predictable, but I just really loved the structure and the language of this book.
Although I haven't picked it up in 6 months, I'm just finally admitting that Jane Eyre is a DNF for me. I find the language to be bloated and weak. Too little happens and it takes too long to get there. Jane is too pious for my taste, and Rochester is a jerk. Normally I enjoy books with characters who are all flawed, but I can't do this one. The author thinks I should love Jane, and I don't.
Fantastic look at one woman's awakening to systemic racism in the US.
An interesting novel. I love O'Connor's writing and her look at religion was riveting.
I thoroughly enjoyed this look at the creator of and inspiration for Wonder Woman. Fascinating history.
Haven't been able to do much reading since this weekend. Just wanted to share this image. It's the free speech wall on Charlottesville's downtown mall, just blocks from where Heather Heyer was murdered on Saturday.
I finally got around to reading this book and I'm so glad I did. I liked the perspective on gods and the commentary on American culture.
Digging into American Gods with a cat on my lap. Is there a better way to spend a Saturday? #weekendgiveaway. @Liberty
I read great things about this book and saw that my library didn't have it, so I suggested it. They must have read the same great things I did because they bought 5 copies. I checked it ou and enjoyed it so much I may still purchase a copy for my personal library. What a delightfully weird murder mystery/ghost story. A beautiful setting, wonderful, developed characters.
Oh how fun! #letstalkaboutbooksbaby.
1) Virginia
2) The Animators by Kayla Rae Whitaker
3) Himself by Jess Kidd
4) Depends on age - first love was Nancy Drew. Then A Wrinkle in Time. Then Harry Potter
5) The Devil Wears Prada
6) What Happened - Hillary Rodham Clinton
I devoured this book. The mystery was compelling, the writing was beautiful, and the characters were well-developed and complex. I'm almost disappointed I finished it.
Eh, this was just okay for me. I enjoy the themes around found family, but I just couldn't get into the setting or really engage with the book. I didn't connect with any of the characters in a meaningful way.