Dense, darkly funny, illuminating, and a whole new perspective on a part of history that still confounds so many of us ~
Dense, darkly funny, illuminating, and a whole new perspective on a part of history that still confounds so many of us ~
Super enjoyable. I loved the blend of mystery & tech. And as a closet family history & genealogy buff, I found it faaaaascinating. Great plot, great writing.
It took me a bit to get into this one but in the end I found it charming, charming, charming, and laugh-out-loud funny.
Okay this one just jumped to the top of my list. National Book Award finalist and someone on Litsy compared it to Lonesome Dove?! Plus that cover is gorgeous.
Okay I officially love her and will buy her new book -- at my local bookstore! -- "Independent bookstores, independent booksellers are on the rise... because you can't spend your whole life in front of a screen and you can't take your family to Anthropologie after dinner..."-- Ann Patchett on NPR
From steamy novelist to substitute teacher in Maine? Or did he substitute before his literary success?
If you have to wait in a car for someone as I do weekly ... highly recommend coloring Jane Austin-themed pages while listening to 'Hamilton'!
"How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a good book! When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library." -- Miss Bingley, Pride and Prejudice
9th grade Back to School night. The lineup!