protagonist :
Brian Robeson
Brian was making his way to visit his dad. The pilot that was flying the one engine plane dies. This forced Brian to make an immediate landing. He was to figure out ways to survive in the while all alone. With barely anything with him.
He needs to survive in the wild, facing his fears and what mother nature has to offer.
He was spotted by an airplane and was taken back to his family
RAFE-Rules Aren't For Everyone (it was his game) He tries to break all the rules. At first Rafe didn't really care about school, he started playing his game. The first detention he got he was so proud. Detention lead to suspension. He mom gets mad about his grades going down. He was offered a art scholarship
He doesn't fit in, his grades were going down
He changed this by doing something more creative. Showed his potential.
Rafe did not care about any school rules, he did his best to break any rule he can. The more and more rules he breaks the more teachers dislike him. He has a little sister Georgia she had to go to the school her brother was enrolled in.
Georgia starts going to his brother's school, everyone thought she was just like her brother.
She ends up proving everyone off, she showed that she is different from her brother in multiple ways.
Jonas lives in a society and it is run by elders and their old ways.(rules and traditions) Jonas become the memory receiver with his manners. GIves hims authority.
The Giver teaches Jonas all about war, colour, pain, also love. In the community no one understand anything or for their reasons, no one questions anything either. Elders make decisions for others.
Gabe and Jonas end up experiencing cold, starvation, fear.
Scout Finch
Tom Robinson was a black man accused of raping a young girl. Atticus accepted to represent him. He didn't get good feedback. Mayella Ewell was lying but Tom was still convinced. Scout and Jem were attacked by Bob Ewell and Boo saves them.
Main problem was Atticus was representing Tom. Bob accused Tom of raping his daughter.
Boo was able to rescue his brother and Scout. Scout found out Boo was a full man.
In WWll 24 schoolboys that are from Britain, plane was shot down in the Pacific islands it was deserted, some die. They made roles, Ralph and Jack started to divide into two groups.The boys become violent and brutal to each other.
The boys needed to find ways to survive there was chaos, violence, savagery. It was hard for the boys to co-exist. Simon and Piggy die on the island before the Navy arrived to saved them.
10.16.19-10.21.19 recommened
Ponyboy lives with two brothers, Sodapop and Darry. Lives in the poor eastside. Two rivalries west and east or known as Socs versus Greasers. He was a part of a gang, 14 years old.
Ponyboy Curtis
attacked by Socs and killed on by self defense, skips town after a fire they were rushed to a hospital. Johnny died and he went to court for his actions.