A thought
"Are you...prepared?"
I'm full of ???? and !!!!!!!...now at page 76.
Had me gripped to the end. Tomorrow I am going to wholly explore themes and the writing style. Charlie Gordon and Algernon...bamf...I am riveted...can't wait to review.
At last! So much to think and discuss about Jane Eyre. Often defeated, mistreated - and still fiery and never immobilized. Can't wait to go back and pick through my noted passages!
As always, I read the first page to get a feel for this story. immediately hooked, couldn't (can't) stop reading
Rainy day book arrivals! Reading Flowers for Algernon first, as highly recommended by a childhood friend. Very excited, even when my old friend recounted his heavy tear-shed
As an introvert with a tendency toward awkward social interaction, I know this course on audio will change my life! 😃 Very excited to use this knowledge/advice at work and in my daily conversations. This is one of the many courses offered by The Teaching Company. Anne Curzan is the instructor, author and professor in the field of Linguistics. Tagged is one of her books, Fixing English
It is incredible the power Adam has to shape people's minds - the deceit made my stomach turn! I am pleased with the way the novel ended. Though it seemed fast-paced, it matches how Twig must have felt in these moments. However, I would love to hear more from Twig. I want to know how she and Avery adjust to living back in the United States, and what unfolds between her and Leo (if anything)
Started The Family today and I am fascinated by the dynamics. Twig is already faced with an incredible predicament and I wonder what is in store for her and The Family next...!
Reading "Playboy of the Western World." Funny how a short sentence can be just what I need in a period of writers' block and overall pressure to write something "different" - not to be guilty of feeling inspired by another work/idea!
"All art is a collaboration"
Back on Litsy!! YAY!!! My dad journeyed to San Diego last month for a business conference, and the financial advisor that he is, returned and gifted me (many) financial and frugality-centered reads. Reading these two this month! Untagged book on the right is Frugality for Depressives by Abigail Perry. Learning to manage money like it's my job!😅😬😄
"The stationary sun that hung overhead was nothing but a virtual light source, programmed into the imaginary sky" 71.
Enjoying this book so, so much. Wade holds vast knowledge about the dystopian future he lives in, yet remains recognizable and relatable to me (the reader). Interesting and clever!
Next up! I'm a monogamous book reader...can't wait to dive into this one in a few days!
I am so delighted by this book. I am currently on page 98 and 😮!!! Eager and curious, I must read on.
Physically jumped out of my book line-up as I work on stats homework. Don't mind if I do...a longtime favorite
Interesting so far - I feel as though I am within the mind of a 16 year old (but not sure of the narrator's exact age). Abrupt endings to some paragraphs have me wondering if certain sentences are foreshadowing. A light, quick read, I expect to finish before bed time. Intrigued.
Still studying Orlando! This passage defines me; Perhaps I will change my name to Orlando.
A wonderful day when books arrive! I cannot wait to read The Queen of the Night ☺️
Flipping and flipping through these pages. Just started
Haven't read this one since high school! Picked it up immediately on my way to the checkout line
Most recent additions! The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon.
Must read!! Wonderfully interesting with the included vintage photographs. Jacob's discovery of this world within a world is filled with peculiar abilities, disturbing monsters, and the question of ever returning home. And new friends!
"...one after another the sounds die out, and the harmony falters, and silence falls. With the sunset sharpness was lost, and like mist rising, quiet rose, quiet spread, the wind settled; loosely the world shook itself down to sleep..."
"It may be that the impressions of her infancy are caught somehow in the pulp of her eyes, luring her. Or there may be some hooked structure in her cells that twists her toward all that the world calls freakish" (15).
Incredible. Incredible story, it fills my heart and gives me the shivers. THE SHIVERS. Thank you for this spectacular tale John Irving, and for Owen Meany. Especially, for Owen Meany.