I am so going to try this .picking a book because its dedication amuses me ,who knows might find an incredible new read.https://www.boredpanda.com/creative-book-dedications/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=BPFacebook
I am so going to try this .picking a book because its dedication amuses me ,who knows might find an incredible new read.https://www.boredpanda.com/creative-book-dedications/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=BPFacebook
I have been spoilt ,every book lovers best birthday presents are more books 😍
Imagine reliving your life over and over again until you get it right.when is right when is good enough.each little decission can lead you down a different path ,different outcomes.Would you try to change the course of history ? Loving this book so far
I enjoyed reading A Vision of Fire but to be truthfull if i put it down it didnt stay with me like a great book should it fell just short of being a really good read i didnt get hooked on the story line or characters they were just not quiet fully coloured in which close but just not quiet there.
Christine piper word's are like an artist's brush bringing the Australian lanscape to life so you can almost feel the heat coming from the pages,and the dust on your skin.Dr Ibaraki is seen as an enemy alien in 1942 being japanese and working in Broom in a japanese hospital ,after leaving Japan and his wife in shame .He is arrested and sent to an
internment camp .Enjoyed this book a lot hope you do too.
The sun spread on the horizon,bleeding colour like a broken yolk.In the growing light,I watched the details of the landscape emerge.The leaves of the eucalypts became sharply defined.The ochre earth glowed.
.Tom Vowler brings the hauntingly beautiful moors of Devon into your lounge so close i could feel the crispness of the morning air .Plot wise i worked it out pretty quickly .Anna i found a little hard to connect with maybe that was the point she holds a lot of herself tucked away ,and the feeling of panic and fear as the past enters her life again is well written .although not an absolute love of mine i did end up enjoying the story.
The Title captured my attention and so did the first page .Its a sweetly dark little adult fairytale book.After reading a heafty book previously this was a welcome quick read ,a little odd a dark. Little Jack and his cucokoo-clock heart,Miss Acacia,Dr Madaline and Georges Melies will keep you company for an evening
Just starrted this little book its an odd one thats for sure 😏
I know its the book is supposed to be apocalyptic so you know not a warm and fuzzy read but Jem the main character reminds me of a foul tempered sullen teenanger constantly unhappy and letting everyone know it.I did have hope the story would be great had all the end of the world ingredients just lacking that little spark of hope that requires people to keep living and keep reading.
I will get up and start the washing really i will just a few more pages...
Can just picture his cane bobbing along on the ocean.
Loved loved loved this book, letter writting of old was a beautiful art form and sadly is very rare nowdays,how i would love to recive a letter from The Guernsey Literary and potato peel society .Letters are full of colour and laughter,sadness and longing.The charecters are so cleverly written they nearly step out from the pages.
When your parents are still christian science followers and your not ,do you respect their decisions when it comes to mum dying and they are just praying ,because sickness is just an error.Sometimes i felt like yelling at Lucia to speak up say what your thinking ,other times i respect her ability to hold her tounge.Rollercoaster of emotions in this read.
"That is like life,an endless ladder,sometimes it is to hard to keep climbing"
Loved this book💓 Get yourself a nice hot coffee and a snuggly spot to sit ,its a big read but really flows along.
Secrets familys keep have a way of surfacing and all the rawness ,pain and heartach and a little desperate hope fill spill from the pages .What happened to Alice ?
The further in you read the more the intesity grows.Gives a little insight to Christian science and how familys cope or dont when a parent becomes very ill and medical assistance is not acceptable.