This book was a quick read about feminism. I like the many personal stories and how it was more an of essay then a book. Nice little short read! Although it didn‘t really mention anything I didn‘t already know or belive.
I really enjoyed this book. It was not what I would consider a typical romance. I really don‘t think I would categorize it as a romance or a love story. It is not that in the typical sense. It is more sad and heartbreaking. Definitely worth the read though.
This book was a quick read about feminism. I like the many personal stories and how it was more an of essay then a book. Nice little short read! Although it didn‘t really mention anything I didn‘t already know or belive.
So my total for this year was 2,745. Not as good as I wanted to do. But, hope it helps with the team totals.
For the first half of October and #scarathlon2023 and #blackcatcrew is 735 points. That‘s mostly from movies/shows. I‘m about halfway through reading Practical Magic. I need to step up my reading game for the second half.
I started the book awhile ago after seeing the movie. But, the book was already on my TBR list. It‘s medium paced. Some of it is somewhat predictable but some of it is not. I think this was an amazing debut thriller mystery book from the author. I haven‘t seen much by her since though.
So many books I‘ve been wanting to read. These are a few of my #scarathlontbr that I plan on reading for #scarathlon2023
I have more on my list if I can get to them.
#scarathlon #blackcatcrew
My #Scarathlon2023 to be watched list. Mostly classic scary movies. I‘ll probably add in a few new movies as well. And a few tv series. #blackcatcrew #scarathlon
My Fall Bucket List for #Scarathlon
#Blackcatcrew #earlybirdpoints #31by31 Readathlon
Weekly wrap up:
Week 4 points 1,955
Total: 3,355
I didn‘t do as well as I wanted to but hopefully this helps
Carved a pumpkin with my husband. It did not turn out pretty at all but another item off the bucket list. Next year I think I‘ll paint the pumpkins instead. #teammonstermash
This week I read IWTV for 6 hours. Less tv and more reading this week. Except for binge watching Ghost adventures. And word search which I completely forgot about last week 😬 sorry guys.
This weeks points: 1,190
Total: 1,400
20pts 2 hours reading IWTV
5 pts watched Halloween Ends
90pts watched Ghosts and I‘m obsessed
30 pts watched Ghost Adventures
10 pts for participation post
Total for week 155
Total for two weeks 210
Falling a bit behind on my reading goals but did get a lot of shows watched this week
Made my fall bucket list for 10 points and completed watching Hocus Pocus 1 + 2 for 10 points #teammonstermash
10 points for reading IWTV for one hour. Didn‘t read as much as last week as I would have liked to. I plan on reading more this week.
10 points for watching Hocus Pocus 1 + 2 plus 10 points for completing a bucket list item for fall
5 points for watching the new Hellraiser movie
10 points for making my fall bucket list
10 points for participating
Total: 55 pts #teammonstermash
I‘m sure I will be adding more books and movies to my list but these are the ones I could come up with off the top of my head. So excited for my favorite season! #teammonstermash
I went back to reading a nonfiction Self-help book. Since I‘ve been implementing new habits into my life including trying to read everyday I thought this would be the perfect book for that. And it was. For me it was a very fast read. Nonfiction books usually are faster for me instead of fiction to read or listen to. I love how the author explains how habits compound over time and how little habits can turn into bigger habits over time.
My book of the month picks. Killers of a certain age and Love on the brain are from this month. The family remains was a featured add on which I am super excited about.