When you are in the place of no hope and no comfort, I am there with you, just as surely as he is. You can call my name: Maeve, Magdalen, She Who Suffers. Call on me. I will be with you.
In the way you sit, speak, and walk, you can show the other person that she is safe in your presence...
READ THIS BOOK! From chapter 1 I was hooked. I cannot explain the emotional rollercoaster.
“Everything they reach for slips from their grasp.” “How do the bear it?” “As best they can” Best description of mortality I‘ve encountered.
Oh you doing a lil light reading? Let me come distract you with my catness... 🐈 📖
“I‘ve learned not to expect too much from boys.”- Moaning Myrtle... I‘m 35 and eating the Potter series for the first time. Wish I‘d read this decades ago. #truth #lifelessons
Can‘t decided what to read Goddesses in Everywoman or Half-Blood Prince 🤔
“I‘ve never even seen your house, & I have the funniest feeling that for the first time in my life I‘m going home!”-Calvin
I put off reading this book for YEARS. I actively did not buy, borrow, or bring it home. A few weeks ago there was a lone copy at the used bookstore. I felt MAYBE I should just listen to the book. So I paid for it, let it sit in my pile until last weekend. I SHOULD NOT have shied away from this book. I laughed loudly, cried softly. Learning & loving right along with Dinah. This is a book that will stick with me forever.
“He wanted an armored heart.” Each book make me fall for Harry all over again. His humanism. His faults.