Found this book for my dad's birthday! It's in June but it's good to be prepared.
Found this book for my dad's birthday! It's in June but it's good to be prepared.
Indulged myself in some second-hand bookstore goodies. I'll get around to reading them at some point...
Wish me luck finishing this book with enough time left to also complete the assessment! It's actually quite well written though.
I finished reading this two days ago and am only now getting around to posting this.
Simon vs. was good. Not quite great, but I did genuinely enjoy reading the book and the characters were fairly likeable. I'm glad that I read it.
I'm having a bit of a reading slump at the moment and I'm hoping that staring at the book will give me the inspiration to actually read it. Wish me luck!
Sorry for the bad lighting 🙃. I'm being forced to go on a camping trip for a couple of days (whatever will I do without my beloved Internet?) and this is the current book line up. Three novels and a massive history book for a school project. Any book recs for when I get back?
I'm finally getting around to reading this one and I'm excited because I told myself that I'd be good and read the book before I watched the movie and I've been wanting to watch the movie since I first heard about it months ago. Hopefully it doesn't disappoint.
Y'all. This book was so good I don't even have the words to explain. The characters are so well characterised and they're just so damn relatable and the plot didn't feel rushed (which was something I was a wee bit concerned about). It honestly blew all of my expectations out of the water. I can highly recommend this book.
I've been procrastinating my reading quite a bit but I'm just about halfway through Aristotle and Dante now, and it has to be one of the best written books I've read in a long time. I'm really enjoying it. #currentlyreading
I'm about to start reading this book (once I've finished with all of my responsibilities and whatnot) and I've heard so many good things about it so I'm pumped!
The awkwardly placed tbr sticker is there to hide the weird glare from my light, by the way.
I got this book today and within three hours had ploughed my way through the whole book. The cover may have been a bit messed up, but the plot was not. Russo somehow managed to strike a balance between doing justice the difficulties that the characters faced and still producing an interesting and immersive plot with well rounded characters.