This book was completely gripping and managed to pull me out of my reading slump that I've been in for a year. The only thing I didn't like was the totally annoying main character, Todd. I definitely recommend this book to absolutely anyone!
This book was completely gripping and managed to pull me out of my reading slump that I've been in for a year. The only thing I didn't like was the totally annoying main character, Todd. I definitely recommend this book to absolutely anyone!
Happy August! I'm starting this month off by reading another manga but this time it's Attack on Titan which I'm super excited to read. What are you all reading at the moment?
I'm cuddled up in bed reading DeathNote and it's absolutely perfect 📚💕
When I was younger, I found a few copies of Fruits Basket in the public library but I never actually owned them myself. I read a few of the manga and absolutely loved them. As you can imagine, I was very heartbroken when they were removed from the library with no intention to get them back again. I was so excited when they bought out a collector‘s edition! Read my review here: http://www.eleaanormay.com/fruits-basket-book-review/
✨Fav hobby: Blogging
✨Fav drink: Pepsi or Tea
✨Fav food: McDonald's Fries
✨Fav color: Pink
✨Fav city: London
✨Fav house location: Anywhere cold
✨Fav accessory: Fitbit Flex
✨Fav TV show: Doctor Who
✨Last movie seen in theatres: GOTG2
✨Currently reading: Deathnote