Started this today. I think I remember watching the movie. Got it out of a pile dedicated to books mentioned in the #GilmoreGirls as part of a set up at the #akllibrary to celebrate the #gilmoregirlsrevival
Started this today. I think I remember watching the movie. Got it out of a pile dedicated to books mentioned in the #GilmoreGirls as part of a set up at the #akllibrary to celebrate the #gilmoregirlsrevival
Found a book that's banned in NZ which can be one of the most liberal countries in the world. Looking forward to getting my hands on this one. #BannedBooksWeek
I'm a serial fan of #JoanneHarris. This is the first time I'm reading her short stories though. Everything is magical as usual.
"I wish no more reminding of this lonely grave"