Omg. Beautiful characters! Great artwork! Fantastic story! Women of color met as kids, fall in love, and are separated by time and circumstance. I knew I was going to live this story and I did. So sweet.
Omg. Beautiful characters! Great artwork! Fantastic story! Women of color met as kids, fall in love, and are separated by time and circumstance. I knew I was going to live this story and I did. So sweet.
I started going this series about a week ago and Omg! I love it! Characters have special powers, and everything relates to unique relationships with food. And sometimes not food, but still things that are consumed. I thought the premise sounded stupid, but I'm about to start issue #30 of 60 so obviously it's a lot of fun and better than I expected! Will review when I finish them (to date).
So I over spent myself a bit and I need to make up that cash. I have a few books that I either already read or I just can't get through. $8 each, including shipping within the continental USA.
#MargaretAtwood #TheBlindAssassin - I just can't get into this one
#BrandyColbert #LittleandLion - thoroughly enjoyed, but I'm not much of a re-reader
I've got a few others I'll post shortly.
Just a few pages in and not sure what to think quite yet.... Damn the patriarchy!
Eh.... Short, rushed, boring. Maybe if it was drawn out over many more issues and filled out more, I might give it a thumbs up. Maybe.
This was cute, I like the characters, but overall it was too young for me to really enjoy. I would definitely recommend it to 8 to 10 year old girls though!
I didn't enjoy this one as much as I did the first one, but the big oaf Malak falling in love with her at the end was pretty funny. Poor Sonja seems to always have some sort of man trouble...lol.
I screen grabbed a page so you can see the art style and get a quick idea of the comic. Empowered is a female super hero who almost always ends up in nifty bondage ties a la the bad guys. The whole thing is basically fan service, gratuitously sexy destroyed super suit, nudity for the sake of embarrassment, and that's an entire section that's just plain kink... But even though Empowered looks like a living sex doll, she's adorably kitten ish.
This was a nice distraction. You think you have it bad? Sonja takes a heap of bad turns and still comes out strong and on top. Sure, the scanty armor is just silly, but she's strong as well as sexy and takes no one's shit. Rock on with your bad self, Sonja.
This was a fun read. A few stories bordered on horrifying, but some were quite funny and lighthearted. Definitely recommend as a travel read. Most of the stories are pretty short but they are all well developed; easy to pick up and put down frequently.
Wow. So I read this over about 3 days and it's fabulous all the way through. If you're a man, woman, transgender, sex worker, non-binary, a cat, or a super hero, there's something in this for you, and I think most of us can enjoy the supportive world these comics create. And it benefits Planned Parenthood! I cannot recommend this enough right now!
I grabbed this the other day when Girl's Guide to Comics pages about this. Figured either way, my money is going to a good place. And it's good. Each short comic explores different things - but dry all involve taking control of your life. There's a woman's first breast exam, the history of Planned Parenthood, a queer girls' party in the 50's where two women in love can finally be together in public, all sorts of stuff. Seriously. And it's only $10
Started this this evening. Went into my grocery budget to pick this one up, but so far, it's not disappointing! Looks like it's going to be a fun read!
Finished the second story, this one by Mercedes Lackey. She's one of the few fantasy writers I generally enjoy, but this little piece of horror I just couldn't get into. Didn't do it for me at all.
Just started reading this one. Finished the first story (I do love a good anthology!) and found it amusing. Been over a year since I've read on an electronic device, but its nice to be able to read under the blankets! #witches #ereader #kindlefire8 #humblebundle
So this happened. Kindle Fire 8, which I hope lasts longer then my last two android tablets, and hopefully out - performs my Nook. I basically but a reading device that can occasionally do other things without freezing up, lagging horribly, or in general just not working.
I have so many ebooks is not even funny, but for the last year or so I've been unable to read them except on my phone.
#kindlefire8 #sunshineyellow #ebooks
This is my pick for this month's Book of the Month subscription. I'm so far behind on my reading it's not even funny! I'm just stuck in the middle of The Blind Assassin and can't seem to finish it.
Finally getting back to reading this one. I feel like when it's finished, I'll be glad I read it, but right now it's like slogging through cold mud.
These arrived today, courtesy of Book of the Month. Can't wait to finish my current read and get started on this. Yup. I'm a monogamous reader!
I went into this blind. My first surprise was they're actually newspaper girls. Second surprise was time travel, science fiction, dinosaurs, basically everything. I enjoyed it, but I didn't love it. I have vol 2 though so I'll read it and see how I feel.
Okay, guys! I started this the other night but I'm finding it somewhat confusing. There's 3 voices, right? The elderly woman, her deceased relative's novel, and the newspaper clippings, right?
You're in the woods, camping. You're secluded. And then you hear a noise from the trees. A rustle. And suddenly your wife is missing half of her body, blood sprays everywhere, and you see the gaping maw of a shark bearing down on you. Grizzly shark. Not even the forest is safe.
Gertrude, after being fired from her job as queen, decides to turn over a new leaf and become a good girl. She finds a way to redeem herself, but is she going to make it out of Fairyland this time? Probably not.
Gertrude, now Queen Gertrude, is bored. All she wants is to leave Fairyland, and go back home. But now she's the queen, after murdering Queen Cloudia, and it's a very boring job. Also, she's terrible at it.
Gertrude, dear Gertrude! Falling down the rabbit hole into Fairyland, and discovering it to be her own personal hell. Gertrude, adorable, with bouncing curls, is a murderous 30 at old trapped in her 6 year old body. A read of great fun, and many blood splattered laughs!
A beautiful story where magic entwines with an ordinary world, where a boy lives with wolves, where a girl can fall in love. It's a fantasy that will even appeal to those who don't like fantasy (me) and the ending is purely perfect in keeping with the spirit of the story.
A great story that shows home is where you make it, and some secrets can destroy lives. The story revolves around several groups of characters that all intersect with each other in different ways. And while many of the characters are teenagers, I am not sure it's really a YA novel. Family, love, friendship, secrets and lies are all found in this novel. Great read.
I chose this book because as someone who has bipolar disorder, I was curious to see how the illness would be handled in the storytelling.
Little & Lion did not disappoint. The characters are instantly interesting and you want to know them better, and the story revolves around the way family dynamics can be changed by mental illness, as well a nice look into friendships, and finding one's own sexuality.