She disagreed by never forgetting how it felt to read such words. She never forgot the sting of prejudice.
She disagreed by never forgetting how it felt to read such words. She never forgot the sting of prejudice.
A great book about women empowerment and standing up in the face of prejudice. Encouraging people standing up for themselves in ways that will help provoke change. A great book, must-have for my classroom library.
I Dissent: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Made Her Mark by Debbie Levy (nonfiction, published 2016) tells the story of one of the only women to serve as a supreme court justice. Ruth grew up facing many challenges from being a woman to being Jewish and not wanting to fit into her stereotypical role. This book explains what was stacked against her but then it shows how she would dissent and not let these things hold her back. It is very empowering.
A creative take on an alphabet book. Showing children many different animals while providing photos and facts about them. These are less popular animals too so a larger knowledge gain.
Animal A-Z by Roger P, Nicola F, Louisa C, and Bethany S (nonfiction, published 2011) is a cool take on an alphabet book. Each letter has a page with an animal on it. There is a large, real photo of that animal along with facts about it. I think the facts may be hard for younger children to read on their own, but with an adult, they could learn a lot about many different animals. On top of that its showing them different, less-known animals
A good nonfiction book that discusses the journey of a typical humpback whales life. Following one baby whales life while giving facts and showing problems faced by typical humpbacks. It uses pretty illustrations and easy language to explain how whales eat and learn to swim and survive.
Baby Whale by Lynn Wilson (nonfiction, published 1991)is a book that uses illustrations to show the life of humpback whales. It is a good book and told in a story-like format so that the children will follow the 'storyline'. It is a good book for elementary students to learn about whales' lives and how they survive. I think I would like to have this in my classroom because it will hold interest while also teaching them.
This is a good, simple, informational book for emergent readers. It shows real images of the different things that live in shells. It provides real information to the children without overwhelming them and while developing their reading skills.
What Comes in a Shell? by Susan Canizares and Betsey Chessen (nonfiction, published 1998) is a book for emergent readers. This book is a good example of books I would have in a kindergarten classroom nonfiction section. It isn't super in-depth but it shows different things that can all come in shells. I enjoy the simplicity for beginning readers and the use of big pictures to help show what the items are because children are visual learners.
A cute picture book about the actual size of different animals or their parts. Some fit on the page and others only show parts. A good look on perspective and the sizes of things.
Actual Size by Steve Jenkins (nonfiction, published 2004) is a really cool book for young, elementary grade levels. It shows the actual size of different animals, or parts of animals, in a large book. A really cool way to show the children the actual size/ scale of things. I really enjoyed this and think it is a good book to give children perspective.
things they are familiar with, so they know what feeling to connect it with
An easy reader book showing what items are hot and what items are not. Big pictures showing the items and helping enforce the children‘s ideas of temperatures.
“What is Hot? What is Not?” by Luana Mitten (nonfiction, published 2004) is a beginning reading/ writing book. This book would be really good for a young, preschool or kindergarten, classroom. It shows with images things that are hot & cold, saying what is hot & what is not. But it is things that the children will already know what they feel like so this will help to gain/ reinforce the concept of hot & cold.
The wonderful, touching story of a girl and her mother traveling far just to get water. Something we take for granted that other people have to spend whole days to get. A great book showing a different culture and way of life.
The Water Princess by Susan Verde (biography, published 2016) is a touching story about Georgie- GiGi- Badiel‘s childhood is amazing. It is also a touching book with words and sentence structure for younger children. The story tells of the process it takes for them to get just water that they must carry long distances and still boil. A long journey each day to get a necessity for life. Touching and shows the hardships people face that we don't.
using both written American english and his Cherokee written language !!
A book telling the story of Sequoyah who created the written language for the Cherokee Indians. He knew no English or how to read or write but he wanted to make his people literate. An amazing story of a challenging task that turned the Cherokee Indians into a literate, more advanced society.
Sequoyah by James Rumford (biography, published 2004) tells the amazing story of a man creating the writing system for the Cherokee Indians. This book seems a little complicated and would be one I would do with older kids as a class book, but it is very interesting. I learned a lot reading it and think it would be something very interesting to children. The use of pictures and words written in his system help to make it even more interesting.
A book telling of JFK's life in a creative and interesting way. Using quotes and facts and fun pictures while describing what he overcame to achieve all he did before his tragic death. Great for children to learn about history.
Jack's Path of Courage by Doreen Rappaport (biography, published 2010) tells the story of JFK's life from childhood to the presidency. This book, like Doreen's others, includes beautiful illustrations and quotes and facts to portray his life. It touches on his struggles growing up in his brother's shadows and his physical difficulties. But, it also shows how he overcame these challenges to become a loved US president.
A great book about a first lady breaking social norms- being involved, an ambassador, and a civil rights activist. At this time, women were not supposed to intervene like she did and it shows her courage and how she fought sexism. She changed the course of the position of the first lady forever. Great for children to learn about overcoming challenges like sexism using direct quotes and great illustrations.
ELEANOR, Quiet No More by Doreen Rappaort (biography, published 2009) is about the life of FDR's wife, Eleanor. Growing up she found happiness in books because her mother made fun of her for enjoying reading- as it wasn't common at this time. Her intelligence and love for books led her to her future husband FDR & to teaching children to read in New York. She became the first lady and was extremely controversial because she broke the social norms.
a cute cartoon book about snails! teaching while keeping it simple and not boring the reader
Snails are Just My Speed! by Kevin McCloskey (nonfiction, published 2018) is a good book. It is informational and cute so the children will like it. You learn something new about snails on each page, while also following a snail through its day! Super cute
A great, interesting book about starfish and the ocean! Teaching children while keeping their interest is always a challenge but this book does it
Star of the Sea by Janet Halfmann (non fiction, published 2011) is an informational book about starfish and the ocean! It tells things about the ocean & starfish in a cute way that would interest children. A good way to teach about it that will hold their attention.
A great book showing how someone we know & look up to struggles in life. He was bullied and faced hard ships but still persevered.
Odd Boy Out by Don Brown (biography, published 2004) is a biography of Albert Einstein. It has a cartoon character and shows the struggles he faced growing up, including bullying and his grandma saying his head is “too big”. It wasn‘t easy but he has faced the challenges and ended up leaving a huge impact.
A book about the winds of Earth! Showcasing the different types in a way young children can understand and relate to!
Gusts and Gales by Josepha Sherman (nonfiction, published 2004) is an informational book about the worlds different types of books. It teaches about the types of winds and their creations, in a simplified form, and with cartoons. It makes it easier and more interesting for children to understand a complex idea. Not the most interesting but definitely a good one to have.
A great book about an african american designer facing prejudice! Reaching her goals even though it is hard and challenging. Demanding equality and recognition in a time when it was uncommon
Fancy Party Gowns by Deborah Blumenthal (publishes 2017, biography) is about a african american fashion designer. From a young girl she loved to sew & was incredible at fashion. She had to face adversity and stand up to be treated equal to whites and get acknowledgement for her work. But, she did and it turned out great for her. She made JFKs wife‘s dress & demanded to go in the front door, not the back & be hidden. motivational
A great book of a young girl overcoming racism to accomplish her dream. A talented singer facing all odds to sing at the opera! Very motivating and encouraging for children who may have the odds against them
When Marian Sang by Pam Muñoz Ryan (biography, published 2002) is about Marian Anderson tells a touching story about a young girl accomplishing her dreams over life. She has to work through racism and prejudice to reach her dreams of singing in the opera. It is really encouraging and shows someone with the odds against them accomplishing their dreams.
A great book telling the lives of the people who created superman! Learning about how he was created and why! It interesting to see what happened to lead to his creation