a cute cartoon book about snails! teaching while keeping it simple and not boring the reader
a cute cartoon book about snails! teaching while keeping it simple and not boring the reader
Snails are Just My Speed! by Kevin McCloskey (nonfiction, published 2018) is a good book. It is informational and cute so the children will like it. You learn something new about snails on each page, while also following a snail through its day! Super cute
This book would be perfect for my classroom. The sentences are short and easy. The children would be able to read it alone.
Snails are Just My Speed! By Kevin McCloskey, 2018. This book is about snails. It is super cute and short so I think children would really enjoy this book. Each page has a new fact about the snail.
I‘m nearing the end of an almost 11 hour shift, with a cold, prepping for Summer Reading. Everything about this cover is me right now 🤣.