Snow White and the Seven Comrades 😂
Snow White and the Seven Comrades 😂
I was skeptical of reading this at first due to the teenage relationship drama and the strange formatting but in the end the formatting has won me over 😅 it's refreshing and fun and totally different from the usual YA out there!
Picked this one up from the library today on a whim. The formatting is definitely unique, to say the least 😮
⭐️⭐️⭐️Set in Mumbai and deals with India's underage sex trade and poverty from one perspective, and bullying and slut shaming from another. Noor's chapters were what kept me reading, while I found Grace's to be lacking in comparison. Would recommend looking at the author's note before reading.
Dark retelling of Peter Pan with an incredibly naive, annoying main character, other undeveloped characters, instalove, and predictable story. The saving grace was Hook. I would recommend giving it a chance if you're a Peter Pan fan wanting a quick read, but don't go into it expecting too much.
Hoping this one lives up to the hype and doesn't disappoint me like Red Queen did 😅