I‘m really enjoying this one. It‘s a little out of my comfort zone but it‘s kind of nice. I‘m used to romance and dystopian. Still only about halfway through but I‘m loving all the 80s references!
I‘m really enjoying this one. It‘s a little out of my comfort zone but it‘s kind of nice. I‘m used to romance and dystopian. Still only about halfway through but I‘m loving all the 80s references!
Just started this one. I got it and Cinder at the same time. So I‘m gonna try this for awhile. Maybe go back and forth 😬😬☺️
I was really into this book at first but i think it may have just been a tad long. I was also coming off the high of Ugly Love. Either way, I will always recommend a Colleen Hoover book for the romance and the twists ❤️❤️
So. I‘m pretty sure Colleen Hoover is my Nicholas Sparks. I enjoy his movies but I could never get into his books. Somehow, Colleen‘s words never fail to get me goosebumps. I LOVE the books that have me falling in love just as the main characters do and she is a goddamn expert! Love me some Colleen Hoover.
I haven‘t finished this yet but OMG!! I could not put it down. I had to FORCE myself to stop reading. So good. I love Colleen Hoover so much. If I ever see her. I‘ll kiss her. I don‘t even care.
Currently reading Red Queen through Overdrive right now but got to the library today and found a few on my TBR pile 🙌🏻🙌🏻
I‘m really enjoying the story in this book. I am interested in finishing it BUT I wish it wasn‘t so all over the place. Maybe I‘ll get used to it... Idk 😐
Someone shared book outlet in the Facebook Group and I‘ve been obsessed with shopping on it 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I am so into this series. I‘m almost finished with the last one and I‘m so sad! It‘s definitely right up there with Vampire Academy. It has a little bit of a different feel but all the good relationship dynamics and twists and great plot lines are still there!!