Just landed on our desks - advance copies of THE ONE-CENT MAGENTA by James Barron. #obsession #scandal #intrigue and, of course, #stamps - you can't beat it! #bookstagram #books
Just landed on our desks - advance copies of THE ONE-CENT MAGENTA by James Barron. #obsession #scandal #intrigue and, of course, #stamps - you can't beat it! #bookstagram #books
It's the perfect time to read THE LAST SEPTEMBER (yes, now in paperback) by Nina de Gramont.
What are you reading for #readabookday? #leaveme #cruelbeautifulworld #realfoodfakefood #letthemeatdirt
What are you reading for #readabookday? #leaveme #cruelbeautifulworld #realfoodfakefood #letthemeatdirt
What are you reading for #readabookday? #leaveme #cruelbeautifulworld #realfoodfakefood #letthemeatdirt
This wonderful day-in-the-life memoir by Theresa Brown RN is an e-book special today for just $1.99. If you haven't already read this "engrossing human drama," as The Wall Street Journal called it, now is the time! It's like watching a great episode of ER, only better (except that there's no George Clooney in the book. Sigh.)
THE WICKED PLANTS COLORING BOOK, colored in by the illustrator herself, Briony Morrow-Cribbs. Hue-ray!
Color us happy with some lunchtime diversion: Deadly Nightshade from THE WICKED PLANTS COLORING BOOK by @AmyStewart and Briony Morrow-Cribbs
Happy #NationalBookLoversDay!
Beau the beautiful kitty is beside himself after encountering Kitty Cornered on this, #InternationalCatDay.
On your mark. Get set. COLOR! For #nationalcoloringbookday we're going full Technicolor fabulous for the brand new THE WICKED PLANTS COLORING BOOK by Amy Stewart and Briony Morrow-Cribbs.
We're ready for #nationalcoloringbookday tomorrow. Going full spectrum on The Wicked Plants Coloring Book.
"Can Pokemon Go enhance an appreciation for nature?" Can you get your Vitamin N time and your Pokemon screen time? Richard Louv, author of VITAMIN N, ponders this question for the New York Times today.
Wondering about our sushi tonight after, ahem, devouring REAL FOOD/FAKE FOOD by Larry Olmsted. Read this book if you want to know why you don't know what you're eating and what you can do about it. Pass the wasabi, please.