~The forest had become a labyrinth of snow and ice~
I will start reading ACOTAR soon🙏🏻
Have you read this book already?📖
#book #love #reading #fun
~The forest had become a labyrinth of snow and ice~
I will start reading ACOTAR soon🙏🏻
Have you read this book already?📖
#book #love #reading #fun
~She stole a life. Now she must pay with her heart~
Hello my dears👋🏻
This is the first English book I will read while my litsy page exist🙏🏻 I read this book already in German, but I've heard that it should be much better in English.
I'm really curious about the book and looking forward to giving you some updates while reading and finally a review🦄
I will start with it, when I finished my current book📖
#book #love #reading #fun
~A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one~
Hello everyone👋🏻
My name is Aileen, I'm 17 years old and I live in Germany🇩🇪 My passion are books and mostly I read German books📖
But I'd like to read more English books🇬🇧
On this page I will post about English books, I've read.
I hope you will enjoy it🙏🏻
#book #love #reading #fun