Finally picked this up after what felt like a storm like past couple of months full of good and the bad but I'll take it!
Finally picked this up after what felt like a storm like past couple of months full of good and the bad but I'll take it!
This is such an engaging book. RIGHT from the beginning. I think its because the characters are at a crossroads with cultures, religions, tradition and how diverse the plot is #zadiesmith
Some of my june reads that I'm hoping to get done with before university opens 🙄
CR: #TheLightBetweenOceans by #MLStedman (this is such a good but depressing book so far )
#TheRoad by #CormacMcCarthy
#SophiesWorld by #JosteinGaarder
#WhiteTeeth by #ZadieSmith
#AllTheLightsWeCannotSee by #Anthonydoerr
I am sure I haven't read anything quite like this book before. Being a 4th year med student, this one has added some extra fuel to my passion for specializing as a surgeon. It still seems so far fetched 😅 Everything written in here made me feel more connected to who i am striving to be and what it all requires me to be at a time when I'd started to slack a little and started to feel out of sync with everything. A must read 💯
BOOK MAIL amidst exams is the best feeling ever 🐼. Even though i can't yet start reading anything thats not a pathology or a forensics book, I'm glad I'll have a pile for the summer (yikes). Where i come from, summers are very harsh and endless. Ugh. 😵
#Eileen by #otessamushfegh
#thebelljar by #Sylviaplath
If ever there was a book that helped me understand myself without leading me to dislike my traits in my late teens, i can easily say it was this one. Highly recommended for everyone who exhibits any degree of introversion. Just know that it's okay and being an introvert isn't what most cultures and societies paint it to be! 🌼
And they're here! I am just going to shamelessly appluad my audacity to buy (and read) books when i have finals a month from now. 🌚🐧
I like vintage books and i cannot lie! There's just something about them, their smell, their history, the people who owned them and how they found their way to your shelf. My friends know of my obsession and gifted me two out of the three on my birthday 💃 I'm slowly building a collection 🤓
Whenever someone who is not a reader asks me where to start or what book they should pick up, my reader reflex kicks in and i recommend this book or anything by george orwell. 🤓 i think they're more relevant than ever 👀
As infants, our first victory comes in grasping some bit of the world, usually our mother's fingers. Later we discover that the world, and the things of the world, are grasping us, and have been all along.
Just ordered a bunch of penguin's #littleblackclassics because i had a bad morning and felt like i deserved this little treat. 🤓
Here is another book that has been a huge drag for me (still is). Maybe if I'd stayed back home with the cat then i would have been more driven to finish it because it actually is a terrific book 😺 hopefully in this lifetime I'll be done with it. Also i struggle with leaving books in the middle because it feels like unfinished business 😅
I'd heard mix reviews about this one and when i finally picked it up and got through a couple of pages, i found myself struggling to connect with it...maybe it has got something to do with me being a slow reader these days or just that i am not a teenager anymore. I'll surely give it another (or several) tries 🌼
Eerie and strange. Just how i like it sometimes, this beautiful bookcover caught my eye while shopping and it was a split second purchase 🤓
Truth can break the gates down, truth can howl in the street; unless truth is pleasing, personable and easy to like, she is condemned to stay whimpering at the back door.