I'm torn about how I feel about this book. I enjoy WWII historical fiction and the subject matter, Josef Mengele's brutal experiments, was a new topic to me. It was just so sad and bleak with the smallest glimpses of hope. Just a tough read.
I'm torn about how I feel about this book. I enjoy WWII historical fiction and the subject matter, Josef Mengele's brutal experiments, was a new topic to me. It was just so sad and bleak with the smallest glimpses of hope. Just a tough read.
There you are- reading along with a steady, moderately paced thriller for 300 pages. Just when you want to scream "Come on- just spill it already!" The twisty bomb gets dropped and you strap in for the last 60 pages.
Science fiction is a not genre that I normally gravitate to. But I am so glad I read Dark Matter. It is so well written. Twisty, mind-bending, fast paced and unputdownable. Is unputdownable one word? 3 words- Un Put Downable? Oh who cares- you get the point. Excellent, engrossing read. The moment I finished reading I thrust the book into my husband's hands and demanded he read it as well.
I would have bailed had it not been a Book Club pick. Debut novel that had promise but didn't deliver for me.
"What are you reading?" isn't a simple question when asked when genuine curiosity; it's really a way of asking, "Who are you now and who are you becoming?" - Will Schwalbe
A book for every book lover. I wrote down several passages that I know will stay with me a long time- just like so many excellent books do.