This is an amazing book for ANYONE interested in developing their prayer life. Kreeft‘s writing is often compared to CS Lewis and with good reason.
This is an amazing book for ANYONE interested in developing their prayer life. Kreeft‘s writing is often compared to CS Lewis and with good reason.
From the captivating introduction, where Sally shares how her husband, an engineer for NASA, came home one day announcing that he had accepted Jesus into his heart and how that impacted their family to the heartfelt testimonies that close out the book, you will not be disappointed.
Scripturally based, full of valuable insights, and obviously written with care for the reader it is a work that anyone wanting to enrich their prayer life should have.
An engaging look at the Luthers and their life together. I truly enjoyed how this book helps show Martin Luther and Katharina as real people, not just larger than life characters of history.
Katie Ganshert examines deep hurts and the difficult path of healing in this sweet novel. While the outcome was a tad predictable the journey to that end was worth the read.
Beautifully written. I am so pleased to have an ARC for this book.
I really adore this study- the format and content are both excellent.
This is one of those books you can get lost in- just forward my mail to Bookholm.
Enjoying the beginning of this study. I'm excited for it to be released so I can continue the rest of the study.
My advance copy of Ann Voskamp's new book came today. Pretty interesting, so far.
I loved this book. It wasn't fast paced and that's part of its beauty. It was a slow and restful walk with a good friend, filled with words that wove their way into my bones. How I approachm each day has been changed by the ideas Shelly shares so beautifully. If you need a rest, I recommend this gem. I will be sending copies to a few friends.
"If our perspective each day can be “I am in it for you” instead of “What is in it for me?” we will discover the joy of serving Jesus—without expecting anything in return and done only for an audience of One. We may show this kind of love to family or friends. Or we might demonstrate it in a random encounter with a stranger. Either way, the stage is set for us to showcase God‘s love to a watching world." #listenliverepeat #motherhood
This book is so great at reminding me to look for ways to build connections with the people around me. God has placed the people you encounter every day into your care. My family, the cashier at the grocery store, all the people I encounter are placed there by God, that I might shine His light on them. -#listenloverepeat
I really love the way this book is forcing me to rethink my perspective on rest and sabbath. #rhythmsofrest
"Language making the heart race wildly with purpose." This sentence is my soul. We all connect to the divine in unique ways, special paths placed by our Maker- and language is one of the paths He selected for me.
I am honestly loving this book. Intentional quieting is so important, taking those moments alone with God- away from our phones and constant social buzz, it restores our soul.
Starting this today as part of the launch team- I'm really excited to delve into what Shelly has to say about rest and God's invitation to do so.
One of the best reading buddies, ever. #24in48 #readathon #ItsASmallWorld
Sure, it's not high literature but it IS a book with which I love to start my morning! Peter makes a cook book seem like a conversation with a trusted mentor; a pleasure to read, informative, and results in fresh bread. Win, win, win. #TastyLitsy
"Words should be planted in people's souls. Words not said can leave a vacuum."
"Literature is humanity's ongoing conversation with itself about what it means to be human, to be good, to live with meaning." Sarah Clarkson
"Today, I am taking the dare. I have made my choice. I refuse to join the chorus of negativity. I resist the pull toward bitterness. I will not sleepwalk through my own life. I was made for more."
"In a culture that often views a child in terms of the expense in time and money he will cost in his lifetime, how important it is to intentionally recognize the infinite value of a tiny human being...and to understand that this little one's life will have consequences for eternity.
"'Thank you, Lord.' Gratitude was more than a nice gesture acknowledging the sweet gift of an early snow. It was the stubborn refusal to be held hostage by fear and despair."
When I choose happiness I am not denying the pain of this world. I am refusing to give in to it.
Really excited to dig into this. Sally Clarkson is the mentor I've always wanted.
Today in the happiness dare: Flamingos!!! Anna Marie and I have been really into flamingos lately, they just make us happy. Today we found this awesome glass flamingo to match the flamingo sheets we picked a few days ago. Find happy in everyday, boycott cynicism!
"Jesus gladdened a wedding. Jesus was the life of the party, and if you belong to Jesus, the life of the party lives in you." I have to say, I love Lee's picture of Jesus. I think we tend to forget that Jesus was a fun and vibrant man. We get the cross imagine stuck in our heads and miss the rest.
I'm so excited to be a part of the launch team for The Happiness Dare by Jennifer Dukes Lee! In the first chapter she has quoted CS Lewis and Charles Shultz, my all time favorites-pretty great start. #TheHappinessDare
This passage is so wonderful. Fellowship is THE point. Fellowship with God, fellowship with each other. LOVE is THE point.
Suddenly, with the knowledge of good and evil, came shadows and dark corners, strange sounds and frightening noises. No longer were God's children innocent and unaware.
"Because when we look for injustice, we usually find it. And when we expect life to always be fair, we inevitably set ourselves up for a big disappointment." ⚖
Starting this today. I love the story of Mary and Martha; I'm really looking forward to digging deeper into their story.
We can let ourselves get stuck in a rut of "woe is me" thinking or we can dwell in the art of creative possibility.
The book that taught me how good it can feel to cry. It taught me stories don't just tell us what the characters feel, they can show us what WE feel when we're uncertain. Twenty five years later and this book still makes me cry, still touches that place in my soul. The book that made me a reader.
Wawa coffee and some soul feeding reading to start the day.
I feel a Sword of Truth binge coming on. Just adding it to my stack as "read" brought a flood of warm memories. The best books are the ones that call out to you, begging to be read yet again. The books that reach out to you from the shelves, like a child with outstretched arms.
It's a cute series but the character development gets really stale.
Create a home inspired by your life & why you love, and then your home will inspire you.
This is the BEST children's book I've ever read. My family loves it and I'm pretty sure everyone should read it at least once. Funny, with a great lesson in perspective.
I really liked a lot of the concepts Nicki presented in this book but there were places where I think she stretched the intention of scripture to fit her book.
I love this particular concept from 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn't Quit. Be to others what you need!!