Disturbing and very dark but glimmers of hope mixed in. I really liked the handling of Clara's "awakening". Didn't want to stop readings
Disturbing and very dark but glimmers of hope mixed in. I really liked the handling of Clara's "awakening". Didn't want to stop readings
Yeah baby. Thinking I'm going to surpass my reading goal this year. Which is great, because in January I start yoga teacher training and will not have this kind of time to read next year. So gotta get in as many books as I can now 🙌🏻
This was right up my alley, but it just didn't move me much, like it seemed to do for the rest of the world. The "lyrical" writing felt tedious to me.
Yuck. This is my least favorite book I've read this year. Really hated this book. Mark is awful. AWFUL. Nothing happens in this book except Mark being arrogant, condescending, narcissistic, and just an all around douchebag to his wife, who experienced a real trauma. The worst part is, I felt the audience was supposed to empathize with him. I found no deep meanings or enlightenments here, though I could see the author's meager attempts at them.
Catherine was one hard protagonist to like even a little bit, but I really enjoyed this book. Decadent and juicy.
Loved it. Hendrix might be the literary salve to those of us missing Joss Whedon at his campiest horror best.
Received this early from the publisher. 🙌🏻 This was a real treat. Beagle is a masterful fantasy writer. One of those books I will surely visit again. Only flaw was the last fifty or so pages- the ending didn't do the rest of the book justice and left me a bit disappointed.
Really hated this. To be fair, I'm not a young adult fan 9 times out of 10. But I believe YA can be much better than this. The characters are so underdeveloped, the whole book felt rushed and just plain silly.
Oh god. This might be the worst book I've read this year. This book tries to be smart and twisty. Its really just predicable and gimmicky. And boring. I found none of the "hints" or "clues" the author integrates to be subtle. I figured out the "twist" within a few pages of the first chapter.
Loved this. Need to read everything else by Grady Hendrix.
"Andras is the sixty-third entity in the Lesser Key of Solomon, a grand marquis of hell and commander of thirty legions of demons, known as the sower of discord and bringer of ruin. I need to protein load."
Holy repetition batman. Short sentences that are repeated over and over and over until I was seriously questioning how this book got published. I liked The Good Girl, but this was a total miss. Lame, I satisfying "mystery".
A beach read with some smarts to it. A happy kind of book with some thought-provoking observations on growing old with someone.
Liked it, didn't love it. I'm somewhere between pick and so-so.
This is where Mr. Trembly loses me, on pages like this. This entire page is dedicated to teenagers drinking beer for the first time. It goes on an on, and is totally irrelevant. Could've been summed up in a couple brief sentences, and it really kills the tension and spookiness.
I'm definitely liking this begged than Head Full of Ghosts, though I still have some issues with it.
Been waiting for this one for almost a year! Can't wait to dive in. Bunny cameo by my bun Lillipuff.
Really surprised that I didn't like this, so many people do and I'm crazy for psychological thrillers and all things horror. But this just did nothing for me. The writing was kind of lazy. The story was meh. The suspense was non-existent. Much better horror novels out there.
An afternoon spent with Joan Didion is just what the soul needs once in a while.
Im trying so hard to get into this...I'm on page 254, and it still hasn't grabbed me. Not giving up on it yet...
This is the book I give to people when they are hurting, or lonely, or just need to regain some faith in humanity. And I return to it myself time and time again.
"In the end, a man turns into what he thinks he is, however large or small. It is the reason why certain people are prone to colds and catastrophe. And why others can dance on water."
Grotesque, thoroughly icky, and utterly consuming.