"Do you believe it's possible to spend your whole life loving only one person?" Annie asked.
Also what's your favourite tea?☕
Being an Indian, mine is Chai
#jeffreyarcher #sonsoffortune #readingbeforebed
"Do you believe it's possible to spend your whole life loving only one person?" Annie asked.
Also what's your favourite tea?☕
Being an Indian, mine is Chai
#jeffreyarcher #sonsoffortune #readingbeforebed
My little brother saved his stipend to get me the book! His first gift ❤️
Had a wonderful 21st birthday
The secret is 'how' to die.
#DanBrown #TheLostSymbol #quotes
"Those eyes were exactly like a deep, violet lake that any man would gladly dive into and drown. It was a good thing Signorina Michela almost always kept them lowered
In his mind, Montalbano took two strokes and swam back to shore."
#AndreaCamilleri #Thepapermoon #Quarantinereading #ItalianTranslation #2009 #Thriller #Mystery #Detective
It takes a village
To build the village
#BecomingUs #Becoming #PresidentObama #Community
Happy Mother's day to every woman and every mother and Mother Earth♥️
#Mothersday #Poetry #Mom #Love
‘There has been many a one, I fancy, overcome in the same
way. I wonder who first discovered the efficacy of poetry in
driving away love!‘
‘I have been used to consider poetry as the FOOD of love,‘
said Darcy.
#Sundayreading #PrideandPrejudice #Quarantinewithbooks #JaneAusten #Poetry #Novel
"She didn‘t make humans in her own image
But she is looking for herself in them."
A Memoir + Tea + Commonplace book = ❤️
#michelleobama #becoming #love #reading #bookworm #india #indianreader #newbook #newread
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
As if growing up is finite. As if at some point you become something and that's the end.
#michelleobama #becoming #newread #recommendsday #preface