My current read! I already read 100 pages and it's great so far 😍
My current read! I already read 100 pages and it's great so far 😍
I read THE TIGER'S DAUGHTER this weekend and it's so good that I can't get it out of my head! Look out for this one in October 📖✨
I totally see why THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD won the National Book Award. Just a phenomenal and important read. (Yes we call a lot of books important but books that may make us uncomfortable sometimes are important!)
Ahhh my pre-order arrived early! I read an ARC of this one over the summer and it was amazing. The premise is a princess with hidden magic falls in love with the sister of her betrothed! If that sounds right up your alley, this YA debut does have a pretty cool pre-order campaign going on right now for US/CAN readers! ✨🔥🌈
Hey y'all so as you probably noticed (or not) that I haven't been updating a lot here and it's because I've hit a reading slump (and Steven Universe is really addictive). I'm trying to get back into reading and I was approved for some of the HarperCollins 2017 releases so I'm jumping right into THE SHIP BEYOND TIME, sequel to THE GIRL FROM EVERYWHERE. What are you all reading?
This short story collection is just phenomenal! I haven't read any of Oyeyemi's novels prior to this one but now I want to pick them all up! I loved how some of the stories brought back major characters from other stories in small ways, it made the novel seem very connected and it worked brilliantly. I highly recommend it!
Goldie Vance is one of my favourite ongoing series right now! The trade volume released last week and I couldn't resist adding it to my collection. It's from the same publisher that releases Lumberjanes and The Backstagers (two of my favourite series) so it's no surprise that I love this too!
Finally starting my copy of HOWARD THE DUCK! I loved Zdarsky's run of Jughead so I'm excited to see how the humour makes this one even more awesome!
Happy book birthday to WONDER WOMEN! I'm currently halfway through and really enjoying it!
Finally got my preorder so I'm staying up all night to read. This photo is from BEA16 where I met Leigh a few times so I had to do a #tbt to celebrate the occasion. I'll see you all on the flip side!
Book mail is here! I've been eyeing this one since I saw some friends reading an early copy and now the precious is mine! This one came out a few weeks ago and is the sweet story of princess Amira who rescued princess Sadie. Looks awesome!
Starting Wonder Women and I can already tell it's going to be fantastic.
A beautiful book of poetry, I can definitely see why it made a bestseller list so many times. Even if you don't like poetry, I think this is truly a wonderful piece of work that everyone can enjoy.
This debut YA thriller is awesome, a bit slow to develop but ultimately twisty and shocking. The characters are so easy to relate to and it's not hard to get invested. This would make a good pick for a book club or a buddy read, there are so many things to discuss and flail about. Look for this in-stores on October 4th!
Reading this for class and I'm actually hating it 🙈 I've heard the TV show was good though so I'm kinda curious if maybe the adaptation will be better than the book for once?
I read this one really early (March 2017) but I couldn't resist! This debut novel is amazing and I can't wait for teens (and everyone) to find themselves in this fun, geeky and smart novel.
Bookstore gift card means new books! THIS SAVAGE SONG debuted on the NYT bestseller list on its first week and I figured I may as well join in the fun! What are you currently reading?
Somehow working on this book for a class reminds me how much I loved it when I first read it! A post-apocalyptic novel that's surprisingly hopeful and has very interesting characters. I loved it!
Got this from the Canadian distributor today, I can't wait to read!
Couldn't resist reading this one already and it was SO WORTH IT! The f/f fantasy YA we've all been waiting for 👍📖
Received a few lovelies from @Katiesbookblog and I can't wait to read them! Have you read any of these?
Lily and Dunkin is a wonderful middle-grade novel about two friends, one who's transgender and the other who has bipolar disorder. It's clear that the author did her research well and considerately. I may have teared up a few times, from happiness and sadness. Highly recommend!
When I heard about a collaboration between two of my favourite authors (David Levithan! Nina LaCour!), I knew I would love this book. I was not wrong. YOU KNOW ME WELL is a phenomenal novel about friendship and first love that takes place during San Francisco's pride week. I highly recommend it.
I've acquired my most anticipated release of this year and I CAN NOT WAIT TO READ IT! Have you heard of this one? Are you as excited for it as I am?
An excellent quick read dealing with family and religion and some mystery. If you like gripping personal stories with a hint of conspiracy theories, this one's for you!
This was PHENOMENAL! Really engaging, surprisingly twisty and just overall fantastic, I highly recommend it! (It even gets its own fancy library pick sticker!)
My #fridayread! I'm already 45 pages in and I'm really enjoying it so far!
In the midst of finals week, I decided to take a break and finally read some Harley Quinn! I enjoyed this one and the first issue was particularly entertaining. The plot is a bit bland but still enjoyable.
Picked up this beast of a novel from the library... Is three weeks going to be long enough?!
I loved Federle's MG series and his YA debut did not disappoint! The novel stars Quinn, a wannabe screenplay writer mourning the death of his older sister. Funny, heartbreaking but ultimately hopeful, THE GREAT AMERICAN WHATEVER is not one to miss!
I don't usually read NA but I really enjoyed this one- there's a reason Adler is one of my favourite authors! She could write a grocery list and I'd still read it haha. Seriously though, I highly recommend this one- and I can't wait to read the next!
Hoping to start this today, if I manage to catch up on some schoolwork!
Legitimately one of my favourite YA novels. With a mix of light and serious moments, it will appeal to a wide range of readers. Seriously, I will forever be recommending this book.
An amazing debut novel! Full of magic realism and captivating writing, THE WEIGHT OF FEATHERS is a powerful story of forbidden love. I highly recommend it!
A fast-paced fantasy read that I really enjoyed! If you're looking for something with a strong voice and an awesome main character, I highly recommend this one!
Ms.Marvel is one of my favourite graphic novel series. Kamala Khan is not only adorable, she also writes fanfic and totally geeks out when she meets other superheroes. A fun series for those who love comics or want to get started with marvel!
My current read for school! It takes place in Toronto so I managed to get a picture of it in front of one of its iconic settings. I'm really enjoyed this so far!
An important and captivating read, you really don't want to miss out on reading this one. Told through various POVs, it covers the events of a tragic school shooting. Warning: you will need tissues.
"You don't need to be gifted with a blade. You are your own best weapon." --The Winner's Kiss (taken from an ARC, it may not appear in the final copy but I loved it so much I wanted to share!)
A wonderful YA about friendship and the hard choices to make after graduation. I loved it and the two main characters were both so different yet relatable.
One of my favourite reads of 2015! Gorgeous writing, a captivating romance and deals with very real and serious issues. A historical fiction you're unlikely to forget. ✨
I loved the first half of the novel but I found the second half disappointing. I do recommend it for those who want a realistic contemporary forbidden romance, and for those who want to read about two very compelling characters.
An awesome book! It's created through images, text messages and emails and the media format is so unique. I highly recommend it!
A fun book I always recommend for the summer or for anyone who wants a light read. It has footnotes throughout which provides an extra unique fun feature. I loved it!
As usual with A.S King books, you're in for a really weird treat. I personally love magic realism and the strange so her books are always a hit for me. If you do pick this one up, try not to be too skeptical.