"Any man who maintained that all of the effects of magic were true, or who believed that they were all illusions, would be rather a raddish than a man." - Compendium Maleficarum P 7 Ch 3
"Any man who maintained that all of the effects of magic were true, or who believed that they were all illusions, would be rather a raddish than a man." - Compendium Maleficarum P 7 Ch 3
This is an exciting cop/rebel drama with a well imagined and interesting futuristicsociety. Well worth a read!
Odd to see this up as the book isn't out yet but it will be awesome. Here's a sneak peak at the cover.
My first novel. An MFF threesome with a reluctant dom, a naughty switch and a submissive female Tarzan!
Its got weak villains and plot holes patched over with "uh, magic" but its funny, light and shies away from the sexual assault that Diana would have faced in that world. A little too bloody for kids but barely more than a PG 13.
The story was shocking, interesting and at the same time so utterly predictable. Its the fatal flaw with comics I suppose. They have great little stories and wonderful characters but its always just build up to the same major event. The big bad is coming.
"You?" I EJACULATED leaning across the table. - page 138
I get the context and intended meaning but I gotta say it...PHRASING!
The story was fun and had a lot of amusing kinky elements but overall it was lacking in character development. meeting long lost family members and battling an armada from the stars should not seem like an afternoon's inconvenience. Entertaining but not Diana's best outing.
This was an entertaining story, very kinky and creative but...unfocused. A lot of times it felt like things were just being thrown in to have stuff happen when that time could have been better spent developing the characters. Why does he fall in love with her(she's terrible)? Did he ever mention his world to the people of Gor? And so on.
The epilogue is sad.
All that said I'll be looking into the other Gor books but I'm not exactly rushing out.
"I gave them a spanking."
(Note: They were Ares' magic children who mind controlled people into murderous hate crimes)
From a footnote describing the effects of a horse hair wreath used by an amazon tribe in the amazon. It is wrapped around the head of the penis during sex.
"Women were seen to foam at the mouth during intercourse and walk around in a stupor for hours after."
A little unwieldy for the unitiated this is a book of high philosophy presented in allegory. Zarathustra is, for lack of a better term, an atheist preacher traveling the countryside expounding on his philosophies and discovering new truths. Stories like the tightrope walker and the cave will really stick with you.
As with any poetry compillation there were poems I liked more than others. There were also a few typos.
That said I picked this book up and couldn't put it down except to giggle at the funny cat in the picture on page 14. That alone makes it worth a recommendation in my mind...the not putting it down...not the cat
Epic poem or no this is a tour of the italian mind that even surpasses the 120 Days of Sodom for style and presentation. There's a reason that it attained legendary status while the other 2 are often forgotten.
I don't much care for epic poems but this was easy enough to follow although ludicrously fanfic. Satan comes off as an alright guy who cares about his fellow fallen. An almost tragic figure really.
Hands....touching hands...touching me...killing you!
Seriously seek out the audiobook for this (its on youtube but buy another book to give the author money) the sound is fantastic!
If you're a movie purest the existence of Satan in this might irk you but beyond that its a great Hellraiser story thats equal parts disturbing, exciting and funny!
Origami of doom!
Note: I didn't know the term when I read this novel but it does contain "questionable consent" and at least one scene that is straight up R....but it does break the curse so...
Anyway this was one heck of a way to get into erotica. Intense and unrelenting I totally related to beauty as she went along. She and I came to understand the power of submission amd domination together and it set me on the path to becomming an author myself.
An important story for its historical significance (it inspired Anna's dress in the second 50 Shades movie for a reason) but as a story? Its a little vague and the sex is glossed over.
(Based on Audible version)
A sexy and creative story in the vein of BladeRunner or Ghost In The Shell. A geisha like prostitute painta fantasies via nanotech body paint. Trippy sci fi fun.
"I'm gonna blow you buddy."
Female cop to her partner. For...reasons. The idea of two work friends suddenly getting intensely sexual intrigues me.
This is an odd mix of YA and erotica. Vampires and cops in a secret world that gets more complicated the deeper you go but with more sex than sexual tension. The plot primarily revolves around a guy trapped in a room in a vampire coven getting laid round the clock...for a good reason. Its hot but I wouldn't rush out for a sequel....if there is one...they setup for one but I can't find it.
So this was a story about a prostitute at the time of Jack the Ripper who starts dating a doctor who teaches dissection and has an interest in photography.
- Jack the Ripper is not a character
- She does naughty photos and writes erotica but there's very little sex
- Some accurate-ish historical set ups
Overall: Its dull, disappointing and forgettable. I couldn't name one character from this book after reading it.
I posted a story by story review on Goodreads that goes into more detail but to sum up the stories are mostly good but not fleshed out enough. The two women on the tomato farm is FANTASTIC amd the heavy set gender queer SJW thing about bracelt codes is so niche its all but unreadable.
This book should be required reading in schools. An absolute masterpiece that applies to far more than military strategy.
This is a series of poems that beautifully describe smoke from a fire, lovingly recount finding a bloated corpse and make a prayer to Satan.
A truly odd masterpiece.
Well its not as good as the first two but it is exciting, it completes the circle and it introduces characters and events that pay off across Star Wars canon...Tython, Andeddu's Holocron, Darth Cognis...its a vital read for anyone interested in the expanded lore.
A great follow up to the first. Clever, exciting and lusciously dark its also the first direct mention of sex I've seen in Star Wars (albeit passingly). This trilogy really pushed the envelope and it shows. Drew Karpacyn IS the dark lord!
This book is exactly what episode 1 should have been. Engaging, lore building...it even makes medichlorians seem cool! Definitely worth a read.
This is a book that exists to close out the story arc of a character from the show. Its good but not great. Its got a tear jerker ending and if you liked Ventress then you'll like this. If you didn't see the show, however, then you'll need wookipedia open for all the references.
I'm a huge fan of Star Wars novels and this was one of the first that really expanded the post-movie lore. Its a tad campy and the bad apprentice is painfully obvious (come on he might as well wear a flashing neon "sith" sign) but its fun and world building. Exactly what I want in the expanded Universe.
The Sleeping Beauty Trilogy was my first foree into BDSM erotica and as such I was REALLY excited when this new one came out and...well, I mean...its alright but there's nothing new or shocking. The best comparison I can make is going to Disneyland as a kid vs as an adult. Its still fun and all but the magic isn't the same and the flaws show through.
I wouldn't get this confused with my book of the same title. My story is about how a beauty and a bitch can make a great couple/team. Also empowering but I get the sense that this one isn't lesbian erotica lol
My fave non-fiction novel. Yes, I admit, its sexist even for the time but that's forgivable if you know the man's history with women. Beyond that its a concise and timely philosophy that encourages one to become their own person. I even prefer it to Thus Spoke Zarathustra (which it summarizes) although the imagery suffers for the sake of brevity.
A truly ingenious existential journey wrapped up in Star Wars legend. My personal favorite fiction novel and the birth of a collection that has surpassed 200 titles.