Inner monologue of a Celtic pagan who becomes a Druid then a nun. I don‘t know why.
Inner monologue of a Celtic pagan who becomes a Druid then a nun. I don‘t know why.
A reread- even better the second time, especially right now in COVID. Focuses on a type of people who can manipulate the earth‘s crust, to do anything from changing seasons to create natural barriers in conflict. The strong female lead is a breath of fresh air in a post apocalyptic world, and the series focuses on need - whether hunger or need for an identity or need for relationships- while also identifying power relationships in times of need.
one of the best books I‘ve read, ever!!
quite good - felt geopolitical subtly. Probably a niche read for people interested in terrorism, humanity, and conflict resolution.
Read as an audiobook, finished the series before finishing the HBO show. In my opinion, the show is better written. Good children‘s story.
Loved it. The internal monologue was missed in the film; the writing is more sardonic than is given veedit
Vietnam conflict, very political. The writing felt sharp and nearly heartless, mirroring the separation of friends, families, and communities during the Vietnam war.
Enjoy the Karen Maitland chapter, fun concept for multiple authors