I can't find words to express how lovely this book was. I loved the characters and the plot. Ms. Harmon has a knack for world building! I'll for sure be checking out her other works!
I can't find words to express how lovely this book was. I loved the characters and the plot. Ms. Harmon has a knack for world building! I'll for sure be checking out her other works!
While this book picked up in the second half, it still took me a while to get into it. I also found it cheesy and very predictable. I did however, grow to like Jamie and even Alec at some parts!
Wow! That prologue has me enraptured! So happy to finally be reading this lovely!
I've heard such great things about this book and it sounds so intriguing! I can't wait to start it. It's loaded and ready on my ereader!
This books was good and I loved the couple! I kind of felt like it was a whole new series because it lacked the uniqueness the previous three had. It was still a captivating story and I can't wait to continue the series!
I've heard such great things about this book so it's time to branch out and try a new author! Can't wait! 💜
I love that Lisa Kleypas went back to her fabulous historical romances! She truly has a gift when it comes to stories of the 1800s. This one wasn't as good as her other series for minor things such as the couple spending many months apart. But it didn't hinder my reading experience too much!
This book. This book. This book! I've loved the BDB series for quite sometime and I was excited to revisit Mary and Rhage. I loved what we got to see and it felt like coming home! I love these guys. I felt like this was more, "a day in the life," since we got little snippets of the brothers!
This book was a masterpiece. I loved the characters and the plot. The humour was so wonderful and so easy to relate to! I'm sooooo happy I picked this beauty up!