I'm gonna read this book to the best of my ability. I liked Me Before You enough for me to continue on with this story, although barely. I hope I don't regret this
I'm gonna read this book to the best of my ability. I liked Me Before You enough for me to continue on with this story, although barely. I hope I don't regret this
Definitely the worst Coelho book I've read
Worst Harry Potter novel so far. Still a good read but it's way too long, and there's plenty that doesn't need to be in the book!
I did not enjoy this book at all. I thought it was boring, the protagonist is bland, and overall not a lot happens. Some people might find this book fascinating, but I wouldn't recommend
Mixed feelings. I don't like how its written, I don't like the ending, and I don't particular look forward to the sequel (but I'll read it anyways). But the characters are charming enough that I finished it fully. 3/5
I'm giving this book a second chance. One of my goals for 2017 was to read every book on my shelf before buying anymore new books, which includes this one 😡😒
Apart from an I satisfying ending, No Country for Old Men is a thrilling book!
With my midterms over, I decided to read the last 100 pages of this book in one sitting. I'd say this earns spot in my top 3 favourite Coelho books.
I'm really enjoying this Coelho book so far. If I didn't have all these midterms to deal with I would've finished it by now 😡
This is how I read when I'm in school. One book at home, and one book I only dedicate to Transit. Crooked Kingdom is my transit book. Which is why it takes me so long to finish this book, cause I only allow myself to read it on the bus, which I only take twice a week 😭
Took me 4 days. Good start to what I believe will be a great series. 1/4 February books completed
So happy to be finally starting this series. Pretty interesting read so far, really digging the whole Lord of the Rings meets The Man With No Name vibe this book has.
I love the spiritual messages Paulo Coelho tells within his story. This was supposed to be one of my four books to complete in February, but I've already read it and it's not February . . . Still a good read though.
58 pages in and really enjoying it. Hopefully finish this short book by Tuesday.
Phenomenal. Intriguing and fascinating characters, engaging story, and written beautifully by the lovely Leigh Bardugo. Can't wait to tackle the sequel Crooked Kingdom. Six of Crows is arguably my favourite read this month, and made my painful transit trips bearable. Pick up a copy of this wonderful tale. "Six Dangerous Outcasts, One Impossible Heist," was only the beginning. But now "When you can't beat the odds, change the game."
Fantastic entry to the series, and I know the next book is where things start to take a turn for the darker.
A damn good read. I stopped reading for a while due to school, but I managed to reread all of it in just over a week. Don't skip this brilliant read by Hill.
A great lead up to the Whisper War, cannot wait to see what Negan and the rest will do next. Looking forward to the next volume.
Perhaps one of the greatest books I have ever read. A classic tale that all must read and learn from. 10/10
Haven't read a Coelho book for a bit. Let's see if I can get this done on three days!
And he strikes again! Another phenomenal read that I'm only 100 pages in, and loving every second of it. I'll be very sad when I reach the ending and have no more Joe Hill books to read for a while :(
The man is also an acclaimed comic book writer too. Love your work Joe Hill.
Good stuff. Kirkman is my favourite comic book writer, and glad to see he's tackling another new series.
Good stuff. Kirkman is my favourite comic book writer, and glad to see he's tackling another new series.
I'm so sad I finished this book . . . Didn't want it to end honestly :(. But, this is my favourite Joe Hill book out of the three I've read so far (including Heart-Shaped Box and Horns) and I am very much excited to start reading The Fireman. Great story, fantastic characters, and a truly creative look into the horror genre. Joe Hill is one of my favourite modern authors, and easily can match his father's talent. Looking forward to your next book.
Definitely a better read over Horns for my personal taste. I have a hunch this will be my favourite Hill novel out of the major three.
One of King's best, captured my attention from beginning to end. Great set of characters with a strange and intriguing plot. Do not skip out on this King classic.
The shear concept of this book is enough to read from beginning to end, as well some properly and intriguing characters. But, the slow paced story that constantly switches to past and present often forgetting the main story made me take my time reading, not enjoying it as much as I know I could've. 5.5/10.
The most inspiring book I've ever read. Paulo Coelho is a masterful story teller in the art of self journey and destiny. Truly one of the greatest stories ever written.
Not typically a fan of ghost stories, at least that's how I felt before reading Heart-Shaped Box. Deeply intense, enlightening characters, and a fantastic plot that got me hooked from the first chapter. The ending however I think leaves something to be desired. 8.5/10
Finding this book to be one of Joe Hill's missteps. Still have another 100 pages to read, hopefully will end strong.