Painted that last night. Mosquitoland is my absolute favorite book.
Painted that last night. Mosquitoland is my absolute favorite book.
I finished it in one night!😂 Once again I normally don‘t read comic books but I couldn‘t skip The Umbrella Academy. (Might I say, the barefoot legend Robert Sheehan was perfect to play Klaus.)
Normally not my cup of tea, but the Netflix series was so good I had to read it. I normally don‘t get into comic books but I have to say this is truly amazing. The aren‘t is beautiful and I love the story.
At first I was unsure about this book. I had a hard time getting into the first chapter, but after that I couldn‘t put it down. This is one of the only books that had me balling like a baby reading it. I had to put it down because I couldn‘t see through my tears. This is honestly an amazing book with an amazing story line. I suggest taking the time to read it.
Officially started “Where I Live”. This one is the last unread book I have. It‘s about time to go and a book shopping spree!
I have officially finished And We‘re Off!!! Honestly I had a hard time getting into it at first. The beginning might be a little slow, but it‘s a beautiful story. A girl finding herself on a trip in Europe. A classic. It‘s not a bad book.
New book! “And We‘re Off”. I‘m super excited to dive into a new book. After this I have one more and then it‘s back to the book store for me!
What a good book! Just finished it and I‘m surprised it didn‘t take too long. What a lovely book with amazing acts of love and betrayal. It‘s honestly a beautiful read. I highly suggest it.
Part three baby!!! I‘m flying through this on. It‘s a good thing too, this book is 417 pages long. I‘m honestly so glade because I never want it to end.
Loving this book so far. Just reached part two in the middle of biology!
I can relate to this book more than anything. It makes me feel like everything is going to turn out ok. Such a great read.
This book is so sweet. It tells a heartbreaking story of a boy in an abusive family. I was so into this book that I read it in two days. It‘s such a beautiful story.
This is by far my favorite book ever. It‘s filled with characters that make you want to scoop them up and protect them forever, a storyline that grips you from the very beginning, and just the right amount of heartache. I can‘t express how much this book means to me.