I really liked this series although the first one was my favorite the whole thing got 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ from me
I really liked this series although the first one was my favorite the whole thing got 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ from me
I liked this book but I 💕 the first one more....a solid read of 3 stars from me
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I liked this book I listened to it on Audiobook I think it's only available on audible though I did only give it ⭐⭐⭐ cause it's only about 4 hours long I did read the book pictured (had to tag a different book by her for now cause it wasn't listed to tag
I did suggest they put it on here so that fact may change in the future
I had to end on page 169 as this is a library book and do back Saturday will have to read the rest if I find it cheap somewhere
This book was okay I did like the characters of Nana Ben and Logan I think I kinda blocked it from being one I really enjoyed because of this is what was picked for me during the first round of the booktube spin and the night before that is when my Mommy passed away and my reading and my life in general has taken a nose dive want my copy of this book find me on pangobooks app @readinglegend2689I will be adding books to my store as well!
Loved it didn't want it to end might need own copy as this ones from the library
Pick a book for me to read next please out of
1 beautiful disaster
2 eon
3fan girl
4 small great things
5 Cape refuge
I liked it I had kinda pinned who did it before the end though but that doesn't take away from my enjoyment any
This book pissed me off, I wanted to take this little boy and hug him tell him no one would ever hurt him again and raise him myself
I wasn't sure about this one at first when my husband picked it out for me sci-fi kinda isn't my thing....that being said this is much much more and I have to put it on my list to pick up if I ever see it cheap or unless one of my imaginary friends out in the world of nowhere sends it to me lol (I don't really have friends let alone someone to send me random books that I've read from the library) Lol
I loved it and the picture was not staged (I don't stage any of my pics) meet one of my 4 cats Tensel although I think her jumping to be in this picture is fitting to say the least
I was having a really hard time when I started this book mentally this book kinda helped me a bit outta that although I will never be mentally great ever again I know that cause of my life and everything going on in it...but I liked this book and will try to continue on in this series if I ever find them free or cheap
I didn't like this one that being said I finished it I didn't DNF it but it was only a 2 out of 5 that being said I don't read many short stories
Can I cry now that this is over? I remember picking up the first book in late 2012 from the library when we was getting papers ready to move to Kentucky and now it's just over what to do with life now?
This book what can I say about it without spoilers? Ummm just read it there you go
I liked this book but love what it was written for if that makes since we need justice for all races and all disabilities
I liked this one alot more then the last one I just finished it gave me some sorta hope that even though my family is away from me most of the time maybe I can make new friends here that will become like a family
I wish I liked this book more but I don't good thing it was a library book and I can take it back I don't have to keep it
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This book was good I wanted to read it before I gave it to a family member and it only took me 14 days I was reading other books along with this one
Finally finished with the last book I carried over to 2019 I read it on audio or else it would have taken me years not joking either thanks to my husband who finally let me have scribd
I get really attached to characters in books always have that being said I liked it that ending though.....I don't have many friends so people in books are my friends as silly as that may sound I need to find the next book now to read and finish my collection this is a keeper for sure can't let go of these friends
I loved this book I loved Eric so many true to life things going on in a way but I'm not sure about the end of the story.....it all kinda wrapped up in a nice little bow of sorts and not all of us can go home and back to our first loves even if we at some point wished we could
I loved it although it does make me sick/upset/mad that she never got to see the pissant brought to justice
This book wow my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer she beat it as well but has alot of other health problems this book took me back to that time and how scared i was and still am to lose my best friend
Although not put downable for me i liked some of the relationships and it was worth the read