Books read in May. The Rick Riordan books were re-reads because I love them. My favorite for the month is probably the Five. Very good if you are interested in historical accounts of peoples‘ lives.
Books read in May. The Rick Riordan books were re-reads because I love them. My favorite for the month is probably the Five. Very good if you are interested in historical accounts of peoples‘ lives.
I mean... she‘s not wrong 🤷🏻♀️
This book was published in 2011 in case anyone was wondering.
4 1/2 stars out of 5. Amazing. The ultimate unreliable narrator. It had me pretty anxious throughout the whole book and it was quite a ride. You never know what is real and it gave me really intense feelings. Even after I finished the book, I had to sit and cry for a while.
Started this beauty today. I adore the Night Circus so I‘m hoping this will be just as good. And thanks to my momma for giving this to me for my birthday ❤️
Winter-y books read in December. I read Landline and A Christmas Carol every year. I enjoyed the Christmas Sisters and The Afterlife of Holly Chase! Anyone else have special winter reads?
“Live your life
Its pain, its pleasure
Leave no path untaken.”
One of my all-time favorite quotes. I read this book every October and I love it and I cry at the end every year. ❤️
I‘m not sure why I waited so long to read this. It was pretty good and not quite what I expected. But I love a good YA contemporary with a happy ending!
Words to live by ❤️ A favorite line from a favorite book #activelythoughtfullyhappy
It‘s October! That means Halloween reads! Here are the books I plan to read this month (I also re-read Night Circus at the end of September/beginning of October to get ready). #halloweenismyfavorite #octobertbr #spookyreads
I would be lying if I said I didn‘t cry all the way through this book. Sad, but also redeeming and reflective. I loved it more than I expected to.
Cute and fluffy (and diverse). Everything I wanted in a summer read.
So I have been waiting for this book for more than 10 years. As a loyal TP fan, and as Numair was my first love, I was already inclined to like this book. And i did, but I also feel like there was and is much more to be said. I‘m ready for the next one!
My favorite page so far. "Anchor me. Ground me. Keep me safe and sound. But drag me down--she said--and I will cut you." A good, much needed reminder to let go of the things that drag you down.
I was so excited to read this book. I flew through the first two-thirds of it. And then I crawled tentatively though the rest because I loved it but was sure it would break my heart and tear me to pieces. And it did.
This book was wonderful and creative. I really enjoyed it, more than I expected to. And I like some of the messages and themes it explored. (Also love this bookplate.)
Stumbled across this snippet that I loved. As a very sensitive person myself, this resonated with me.
I went in expecting to not like this book. I don't care much for high school drama. But it definitely surprised me. It is well written and ended up being a nice, touching story.
It definitely was a slow start--wading through the computer and game lingo, the technology, and the history. But it is definitely important to the world building and the book gets better and better and the history and technical parts become much more important and interesting. Overall a good read. And listening to it read by Wil Wheaton was just kind of awesome!
In general, I love Rick Riordan's books. I really liked the first one in this series, but I loved this one! It's snarky and entertaining and I love the characters. Definitely worth the read!
Some coffee and book time before work. I loved The Raven Cycle, so I thought I would give Shiver a try!
It's not weird to go out and read and have a beer on your night off, right? Who cares, I enjoy myself. #lifeofanightshifter
First of all, I love this cover-it's so pretty! Secondly, I'm not very far in yet, but it already gave me weird dreams about monsters eating people...
"Ever thought you saw someone, then looked again only to find them gone?"
He's a vampire and werewolf hunter. Made me laugh.
"How do you find it?"
"Usually where I left it, sir."
Very good book with interesting characters and plenty of surprises!
Good book, very emotional, and much better than I was anticipating!
May Owlcrate! Love the J.M. Barrie poster and key necklace. And I am so excited to read this book-it sounds great! ❤️
I was reading this book (which I loved) and I found this mug! Too perfect! Do you believe in fate?
Had to get this pretty edition of Wuthering Heights to go with my lovely edition of Jane Eyre! I love these covers.