Loved Eleanor and Park...did not love Fangirl. :(
How have I not heard of the greatest tragedy in maritime history?? The sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff killed more people than the Titanic and Lusitania.
I love that reading gives me glimpses into a life different than my own. In this book, we meet, empathize with, and root for Riley, a gender fluid HS student struggling to make it in a new school. If you like@character driven books, give it a go!
2 French sisters and their different paths during WWII. There's love, heartbreak, incredible sacrifices; this book reminded me how strong people can be. It's a bit cheesy in spots but still kept me interested the whole time.
Ordered a bunch of new free reading books for the classroom and this was in it! I really like funny narrators so can't wait to dig in to this book.
What a book. The two characters in this book became so important to me. They kind of snuck up on me, to tell the truth. They weren't anything special until suddenly they were. And the writing is beautiful, too. I literally photocopied pages so I could keep the writing after returning the book.
If you love words and language, this book is for you. It made me think about words in a whole new way!
Learning the Queen's English is like scrubbing off the bright red varnish from your toenails, the morning after a dance. It takes a long time and there is always a little bit left at the end, a stain of red along the growing edges to remind you of the good time you had.