I will read any book this author writes. I read her first two voraciously and have waited for this one to come out impatiently. Did not disappoint. Highly recommended.
I will read any book this author writes. I read her first two voraciously and have waited for this one to come out impatiently. Did not disappoint. Highly recommended.
I learned so much about protest movements that happened in my lifetime that I was unaware of.
I almost never finish memoirs but I read this one compulsively. I follow the author on several platforms and have read his poetry. Recommend unless you are not down for graphic kinky gay sex.
It‘s interesting and well researched, but it was also depressing so I gave up.
Image: Shibori dye process on silk
Every so often I try to read something recommended to me as a “popcorn book,” but they never suck me in. This is no exception. If you love lighthearted, contemporary romance, this is probably great.
Fascinating and mind-expanding evaluation of Buddhism from a scientific standpoint. Highly recommended.
Image: Lenni decides the muffins aren‘t for kitties.
This book and the first one are a reading highlight of the year. Glad I listened to the audiobook to hear the Anishnaabe language and names spoken.
I‘ve read this before but felt compelled to read it again and it‘s still psychologically helpful.
This is a dark book with a fascinating portrayal of a First Nation community in the midst of a mysterious crisis. I will seek out more by this author.
A fascinating look at an inventor who mysteriously disappeared on the cusp of his success.
Recommend to fans of Eric Larson.
The first in this murder/PI series establishing the premise of subsequent books. Because of the vagaries of library waitlists, I read this one after the other two books in the series and I don‘t hate it, but it‘s my least favorite of the three.
Fascinating and insightful.
Not as successful as the second book in this series (still waiting on the first one from interlibrary loan) but a good read nonetheless. Really enjoy these characters and the concept of the series.
(Image: Lenni and his catnip log)
Fascinating and informative history of disability in the United States, as a legal definition and a population. Particularly fascinating to learn how various native American cultures treated disabled people. and conceived of disability
Gumshoe noir among the LGBTQ community in 1950s San Francisco. Surprisingly successful and well written for a formulaic murder Mystery
The resolution strains credulity and actively pissed me off, so as soon as it became clear how the story was concluding, I bailed at 95%.
The creative writing scholar in me could point out a lot of structural and narrative flaws in this book, but ultimately it‘s just a damn good story.
Image: cold enough that Lenni let me put a fleece pullover on him!
I‘ve heard a lot of good things about this novella and it did not disappoint. What an odd and wonderful little book.
This author is a peloton instructor, and I will admit the first class of his that I took irritated me. I have since come around, though, taking more of his classes, and when I found out he grew up spending part of his childhood in North Carolina, decided to read this book.
I generally don‘t like memoirs, especially first person nonfiction celebrity memoirs, like this one. That being said, it was a fun read, and his life story is inspiring.
I keep trying to read different kinds of memoirs, first person non-fiction, etc. but I just can‘t get into it and usually bail.
An absolute must-read, giving this book as holiday gifts this year!
Bear in mind that I cannot stand the memoir genre and rarely finish the ones I pick up when I make an exception to my no-memoirs rule.
I didn‘t hate it, and I actually finished it. If you are or were a fan of any of her bands or involved in riot grrl, it might be of interest.
A must-read. I enjoyed the audiobook narration by several contributors, authors, poets.
Great insight into leadership and management. I admit I was surprised by how much the author loves working in restaurants. I have never worked in food service but everyone I know who has didn‘t love it and viewed it as a job to pay the bills. This made me see how it could be enjoyable.
Wow, what a script! I hope to see it performed someday.
(Pix: my new rescue kitty Lenni, a senior bengal who had been at the shelter for almost 400 days.)
This script is as good as its buzz. What a good play.
This hybrid narrative nonfiction/memoir is charming and engaging, and vaulted over my reflexive dislike of memoir. If the reflections of a woman who spent the COVID pandemic shearing a sheep, carding/spinning/dyeing the wool, and knitting it into a sweater sounds like your bag, check it out!
Bailing at 19%. I heard so much praise for this author but I can‘t stand the characters and don‘t want to spend more time following their stories.
I love books that use an artifact as a touchstone for exploring history and material culture, and this one is fantastic.
Fascinating and a surprisingly engaging read. The current state of sleep science is interesting to learn about and the benefits of sleep are so much greater than I would have thought. Honestly everyone should read this book, but especially parents and students. Highly recommend.
Wow, what a ride! I perhaps wouldn‘t have picked up this novel just based on a blurb or plot synopsis, but I know the author writes books I love to read and this one is no exception. My heart was captured by the characters, humans and horses. Highly recommended although not for the faint of heart—brutal treatment of humans and horses.
Bailing at 70%. Her life is inspiring and engaging but the book turns into a history of the drama and machinations behind various political events of FDR‘s presidency.
An important book. A lot of white Americans will find this a difficult read and many will dismiss it as hyperbole. Glad I read it although it‘s difficult, especially the details about brutality to enforce caste.
Almost more of a coffee-table art book in format, although it's an important reference volume and will go into the workroom library at my millinery studio.
Highly, highly recommend if you are interested in learning more about this niche topic
A very odd, disconcerting novel. Structurally ambitious and melancholy.
It‘s cool that Oprah Winfrey has partnered with scientific researchers and experts to co-author books on their areas of expertise. I‘m so glad I listened to the audiobook of this.
Helpful insight into her experiences and priorities on many issues. I generally don‘t care for memoirs but the elements of memoir enhance and personalize this book‘s content.
Decent true crime about a grisly USSR mystery.
If I taught contemporary literature, I‘d want to teach this book. It‘s exactly what the title says.
Highly recommended reference volume for millinery studios and couturieres/decorators with an interest in such things. Arranged for type of flower and when they seasonally bloom.
I absolutely loved this author‘s book The Luminaries. This one couldn‘t be more different and although I understand why the author might have chosen to end the story as it does, it makes me regret spending as much time reading it as I did. I should have bailed earlier.
If you liked this author‘s other books, you‘ll probably like this one. I did.
A fun book and a quick read. It gave me an identity crisis because it‘s the first book where I identified with a character clearly coded as “an eccentric old woman,” which I guess I am now.