Ugh! What an incredible book. Le Guin turns the intense action of sci-fi on its head and this book is so calm and relaxing and intense and scary and honestly on of the best reads I've had this year. Blown away.
Ugh! What an incredible book. Le Guin turns the intense action of sci-fi on its head and this book is so calm and relaxing and intense and scary and honestly on of the best reads I've had this year. Blown away.
"Life is not a support system for art. It's the other way around."
This book is probably one of the best books a writer can read. It helped me understand my own writing process and was enlightening on the simple things in writing.
Damn I love this book. I loved the movie, which I saw first (I know, shame on me). It was an incredible story of madness and isolation. This book, however, is a haunted house story at its best. As you can see, I'm quite the King fan, but this story has to be a favorite of mine.
First of all, I love this series. I love the characters, I love the setting. You know what I don't love? The length. I spent four months with these books. I fell in love with Jon and Daenerys and Tyrion, but Martin takes way too long to get to the punchline. He has too much exposition and that makes it a hard read. I would recommend it to any lover of fantasy, but don't expect something fast.