Reading the commentary regarding the missing? obscured? name of a woman, and the trouble that followed from her marriage.
Reading the commentary regarding the missing? obscured? name of a woman, and the trouble that followed from her marriage.
Prepping the book list for next year‘s learning. Medieval history and Lit.
FINALLY! I am pretty sure I have never waited so long for a book. I hope it lives up to my wildly unreasonable expectations.
"I would have done anything for my father." Me too Witi, me too.
"But how do you fight it?" Connor asked, his voice rough. "How do you fight all the different stuff inside?"
By speaking the truth, the monster said.
"I remember the will said 'May God thy gold refine.' That must be from the Bible. "
"Shakespeare," Turtle replied. All quotations were either from the Bible or Shakespeare.
"If God was in the details, so the saying went, Madison was usually there to greet him upon arrival."
"During the night, March doubled back and grabbed April by the scruff of the neck and flung it another week or two down the road."
This is an overwrought tale about living with someone with bipolar disorder. Only it left me with the feeling that the author thinks everyone with bipolar disorder might kill you.
The adventures of An unlikely hero makes for grand entertainment for the whole family. We have listened to David Tennant narrate the entire series, and it never gets old.
The Christmas family book haul - a pretty good showing.
"And it was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!"
The pain of awareness - I have only rarely felt it - that desire to live the moment so fully that it becomes a permanent part of you.