It is finals week, sick of reading about law 😳... Much rather read for 'pleasure' since I haven't had a chance in a while!!!
It is finals week, sick of reading about law 😳... Much rather read for 'pleasure' since I haven't had a chance in a while!!!
My mind has been all over the place for about a week, what I have been failing to do is read for pleasure..time to relax!
Asking instead of telling is the way it should be... Just because something has always been done one way doesn't mean it is the best way!
The lake just creates happiness alone...
Curious to see how this book outlines how to succeed on your own terms... I think passionate sparks energy which triggers high performance!
Easy read, great resource for 'building' my distillery, for the course project! Another course and semester down!
Happiness fuels success... So far a great read!
This accounting book provided great examples, and explained things well to a non accounting major! Now that the final exam is behind me, I can continue reading the sound of glass😃!
Boat, Beer, and a new book... And some Buffett music! It doesn't get much better than that!
My niece, Lola gets a little bit too excited with books! Of course the Wheels on the Bus is her favorite (this week)! #babybookworm
Great book about focusing in on surrendering our fears, taking leaps of faith, and learning to live on purpose! I now want to explore Lara's Powersheets.