Look what am getting back into finally. Not that I wasnt enjoying it work was kicking my butt. #Currentlylisteningto #audibleapp #audiblelistener
Look what am getting back into finally. Not that I wasnt enjoying it work was kicking my butt. #Currentlylisteningto #audibleapp #audiblelistener
5/5 for this breakfast club mystery and highly recommend getting it on audiobook. It has a strong found who your true self and friends are when your would gets turned upside down. Has a dash of romance that I was 100% behind. Plus sibling love where they don't judge and be by your side.
This book took me on a fast paced roller coaster and I can't wait to see what the author comes out with next.
Anyone else read this yet??????
46% through and though I've liked his other books more am still enjoying it. #fixeruppers #kindlebook
This came out today about a witch #kindlebook #preorder #bloodrose #blood
Only just started and learning about the crew and ship.
Current Progress: 12%
#currentlylisteningto #audiblebook #audibleapp