Next up in my holiday reading! It‘s even better when read by Christmas lights 🥰🎄🥰🎄🥰🎄
Next up in my holiday reading! It‘s even better when read by Christmas lights 🥰🎄🥰🎄🥰🎄
Let the holiday reading commence!! 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
I had posted previously about my addiction to ice cream and a fellow Litsy friend commented that Americone Dream was their favorite so obviously…Tarter for the win!!! Book recommendations aren‘t the only good kind of recommendations 😏😏😏
One more round of witchy reads before the holiday reading shall commence!
Does anyone make fun books?? I‘m on the hunt for fun bookmarks that aren‘t super expensive. Something to add in gifts ☺️☺️☺️
When you start looking through your stack of books to prepare for the holiday reading to begin and find this on the back of one of the Christmas books! How perfect!
Started a couple more witchy reads since I have all the Fall feels right now! Love it so far 🧙🏻♀️🧙🏻♀️🧙🏻♀️
The face of someone who just got a box of books from the library bookstore for $17.25! Y‘all!!!
I know you‘re not supposed to judge a book by it‘s cover but…I‘m not gonna lie…sometimes I do! I mean look how gorgeous these covers are!! A lot of the time it‘s a cover or interesting title that will draw me in and make me want to learn more about the book 😃😃😃
Am I the only one who loves smelling book pages?? Hands up if you‘re with me!! 🙌 🙌🙌
After talking to the fiancé about how this book is all the rage and everyone seems to want it he went and ordered it for me after I mentioned that it was finally in stock again. I guess he really does love me even though he thinks I‘m a little cray cray with my book obsession ???
When one of many Pango orders is delivered with this so very very true message on the box!! 📚 📚📚
When your trip to the library used bookstore is super successful! 😍😍😍
LitsyLove family I need your help! I have the sudden urge to stock up on some good witchy reads for the upcoming season!! What are your favorites?? 🎃 🎃🎃
Alright, y‘all, tell me what your addictions are?? Your guilty pleasure, if you will. I know we all share that common addiction of books and reading. What others do you have?? Mine, or one of them, is ice cream!! I like to think that I eat pretty healthy. But every single Friday is ice cream Friday and I get to devour one of these beauties 🤤🤤🤤 yes, this entire shelf is full of pints!
Some fun books that I got that I am super excited to dive into! I speak fluent sarcasm so it seems like these might be my spirit authors 🤣🤣🤣
More unexpected happy #litsylove mail!! This community is so welcoming! How exactly does one send #listylove mail??
Has anyone read this series?? I am just discovering it and have decided that I must collect them aaaallllll!
About to send out some bookish happy mail! Man do I love me a good book swap!!
“When we are collecting books, we are collecting happiness.” -Vincent Starrett
Does anyone have children, young people, or themselves who might enjoy these books??
When your stressful day is made better by bookish happy mail and #LitsyLove! Already love being part of this group and community of people! Thank you for being so welcoming 🥰🥰🥰
I can‘t be the only one who has a slight addiction to binge buying books! Hands up if you feel my struggle 🙌 🙌🙌🙌🙌
A little bedtime reading for turning in for the day! Just started reading the Ickabog and love that it was illustrated by children ✍️ ✍️✍️