I enjoyed it even if I didn‘t really understand all of it. I blame that on it being an older book.
I enjoyed it even if I didn‘t really understand all of it. I blame that on it being an older book.
Had to read this one for a class. Cringed at many, many parts. I wonder what men of the time thought of it?
Mostly satisfying. I feel like most things (not all, but most) were wrapped up and explained the lead-in to The Force Awakens. There was a slightly disappointing lack of tension that I don‘t fault the author for. I should read more Star Wars books.
Didn‘t suffer from Second Book Syndrome, thank goodness. There was action. There was change. Things actually happened, significant things. Still too many characters. Still too many improbable moments of salvation. Still worth reading.
I can say that this writing style is not going to be for everyone. It didn‘t bother me, though, and I ended up really liking this. Sure, there were a lot of small characters and death fame-outs, but I am definitively in the “This is good” category. Looking forward to the next two.
I was a little nervous to read this because of how reading books about fandom and fanfiction usually goes, but honestly? It wasn‘t bad. It was pretty accurate, at least in my experience. A little reliant on stereotypes in some places, maybe, but those exist for a reason.
A strong ending, in my opinion. The characters continued to act like the teenagers they were, which was super refreshing in a YA series, and there was so much nuance to so many others. A breath of fresh air. The plot never turned predictable either. The whole series is well worth reading.
Interesting premise with atypical characters. There were a couple dumb spots near the end, but overall, I liked it. Super unsettling themes.