I hate living with mustard. #almostdone #sogood #this
Finally have time to read a book instead of just hoarding them in my iBooks!!! ❤️
It's been a year of ownership and 122 pages down! So determined face to finish this book. It's so good just no time!
When you took an Internet quiz and got something wrong because you don't remember something happening in a book you haven't read in awhile. #now #books #slaughterhouse5 #kurtvonnegut
Time to crack open this new book! Kind of excited to start it! #bookofthemonthclub
I can never be who I was. I can simply watch her with sympathy, understanding, and some measure of awe. There she goes, backpack on, headed for the subway or the airport. She did her best with her eyeliner. She learned a new word she wants to try out on you. She is ambling along. She is looking for it.