I am seeing a lot of the poet within Dev in #TheDestined arc I'm reading. You can catch his pic in this novella which is a wonderful addition to the series!
I am seeing a lot of the poet within Dev in #TheDestined arc I'm reading. You can catch his pic in this novella which is a wonderful addition to the series!
And this is another signed shelf next to my planter stand bookshelf.
Highly enjoyable historical fiction with humor and heart. 4/5 stars
In addition to the stunning McKean-esque artwork, this book was very reminiscent of a Neil Gaiman story for children. Old school witchy momma and a little bit standing up for himself, we loved it. Even she of the short attention span sat for the entire thing, 2 x in a row!
Today marks the release of the third and final part of Alder's World, so we're throwing it back to part one which is free anytime on smashwords.