Most recently finished. Really interesting concept. I enjoyed this one quite a bit! A twist on “Big Brother“ that I hadn't encountered before.
Most recently finished. Really interesting concept. I enjoyed this one quite a bit! A twist on “Big Brother“ that I hadn't encountered before.
I read this for a book club group that I'm in. It was a smooth and easy read, but really really predictable. I still enjoyed it though.
I enjoy a good horror novel. Key word being “good“. The horror felt a bit gratuitous at times. Perspective bounced around a lot. When I read a book, I try to think of which of my friends would enjoy it. I got nothing with this one.
Wow! I got behind on my listing, but not my reading. Going to try to catch up now!
This was... not as good as I hoped it would be, but it wasn't complete garbage. Interesting concept, but quite a few flaws.
Finally finished this one! I got sick mid book, and was so knocked out at night, I barely had time to read!
Finished 01/14
I think I'm going to be impressed by the number of how many books I read in 2020!
Started (and finished) 01/09. This is becoming a habit... the book devouring.
Started (and finished) 01/08. Not bad! At least the premise was different!
Started and finished this last night (1/1). It's like The Bachelor... But with vampires. 😂 Weird and fluffy, but the heart wants what the heart wants! ❤️
Making it a point to log every book I read in 2020. Finishing this up today. 1/1