I really enjoyed this book! Suspenseful and creepy but I really liked the ending and how everything wrapped up. Great read!
I really enjoyed this book! Suspenseful and creepy but I really liked the ending and how everything wrapped up. Great read!
This book was...not what I expected. The premise sounded interesting but my lord this was a slow start for me. It got better in the end. I wouldn‘t say it was a horror or scary book. More creepy with explicit scenes. The writing was beautiful which was redeeming for me.
Weird, funny and different! I enjoyed this much more than I thought, it was nice and light and refreshing.
All the feels for this one. Just so good. I fell in love with all the characters. I cried more than once. A beautiful story of loss and overcoming.
I really liked this book, I did it on audible which was a really cool experience. I love when the author reads it so you can hear the story from them! I wouldn‘t consider myself a huge Jessica fan walking into the book but I do now! Her story is great and I really respect her even more now knowing what she went through.
I liked this one a lot! The ending got a bit much for me, but up till then it was very good! I really enjoyed all the characters and the development of the story. Very fitting for the current time and culture too!
Really good whodunit style book!!! I didn‘t see the ending coming, got very invested in the characters and really like all the details! So good.
Soooooo slow. It bumps up towards the end but I didn‘t feel invested in any of the characters. Not a page-turner which is what I like in a thriller. Meh.
Really beautifully written and can see why it earned the Pulitzer for that. The story is honestly not something I would normally read and it took a bit for me to get into it but once I did it was very good! It was a nice change of pace for me.
Eh. I was in the middle for this one but bumped it up because I literally read it in one sitting because it was so twisty. The ending was insane! Worth the read just for that.
I never watch movies before I read books but I broke my own rule... I LOVED the movie and the book doesn‘t disappoint!!! Both really cute and sweet. I have the other book in the series as TBR. a nice and light read!
3/5. I really feel mixed about this book... it was really engaging and kept me reading but the end was just ...bad. I truly hated everything about how it ended and it made me angry which kind of spoiled the whole book for me.
5/5. Oh boy. I didn‘t want this book to ever end. Such a beautifully written story about really complex characters and really charming stories intertwined in one. Don‘t sleep on this one!!! It‘s so so good and so underrated!
3.5/5. This is a good book for the current times and it was refreshing to see some positive and strong female leads so that was nice. It was okay, not great or anything particularly memorable 🤷🏻♀️
3/5 for me. It was entertaining but nothing special. Pretty predictable in my opinion. Didn‘t really feel any connection to the characters or their stories. Good for a beach read though.
Ah! I really really liked this one!! I haven‘t read a Stephen King book since high school and it was fantastic! Such a unique concept with lots of mystery. I really like how everything came together in the end. Overall great read and now I get to watch the show 😄
I really liked this book! 4/5 for me. It was creepy and great thriller with some twist plus paranormal stuff. I don‘t scare easily so I wouldn‘t say it was scary but I really enjoyed it! Will for sure read her other books!
I have really really mixed feeling about this book. It was engaging, nerve wracking and really well-written in terms of the description and language used. Other than that, there is a LOT of controversy surrounding this book from a racial standpoint which I didn‘t know until after I read it. 3/5 for me.
Oooooh how I loved this book! Such a great page turner! It was one I couldn‘t put down. I loved the ending too! Was really surprising and really great! Highly recommend to thriller lovers!
I‘m in the minority but I wasn‘t a big fan of this book. I had such a hard time relating to the characters and caring about the outcome. It was a lot of work and effort to finish for me.
100/100! I completely adore this book. Such a creative story and I loved all the characters. So thoughtful and great character arcs. Just such a sweet and heartwarming read.
3/5. This book was engaging in that the plot is thick and gets thicker. This story felt like a straight rip off of Gypsy Rose and that whole saga- it felt like a cheap rip off of I‘m being honest. It was a quick read for me, I enjoyed the twists and turns and how the story came together.
4/5. Super cute! I really liked this. A quick and easy read. I watched the movie first and the both were really similar and sweet. I read this quick and plan to read the other books in the series!
3.5/5. Again, I do love my thrillers. This one was just okay. Solid foundation for a story but the middle dragged on too long in my opinion and the ending was fine, it tied up loose ends but also didn‘t make me gasp or leave a lasting impression.
2/5. I lowered it due to her recent racist comments etc. I did this one on audible. I wouldn‘t say I‘m a Stassi fan at all, but I had extra credits and I do love a C list celebrity sharing the tea. It was a waste of my time honestly. So vapid, shallow and stupid. Not that it claims to be more than this, clearly stassi knows what it is, but honestly I regret supporting her by purchasing this. PASS.
3.8/5. I liked this book more than I thought I would. It was really empowering without being (overly) preachy. I don‘t know anything more than what I read about Glennon Doyle (nor do I see myself researching her more) but her story was interesting, uplifting and motivating. Was a solid read for me.
4/5. I loved this story! I knocked it down slightly because it was a bit slow in the beginning and felt like it could have been shorter but overall LOVED IT! The story was really sweet and I really rooted for every single character. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a fun, modern day love story
3.8/5. This book was...interesting. It was not anything like I expected which boosts my rating for sure. I‘ve also never really read anything like it. The characters felt unique but not well-developed at times. The story itself was good and I read it quickly. Would recommend if you‘re looking for something different!
4/5. I listened to this one on audible and having Demi tell her own story was really great. I don‘t consider myself a big fan of hers, I honestly didn‘t even know much about her going into it but I really enjoyed it. Loved the tea on Ashton, so juicy! It felt like she didn‘t hold back and she had a great story to tell.
3/5. Let me preface this by saying I had really high hopes for this one but for me it DRAGGED. I loved the diversity in the characters and really liked the female lead but other than that the story was really boring and predictable. Granted, I don‘t usually love a romance book but still. Not my favorite.
5/5. This book is totally in my wheelhouse. I love Riley Sager books (as you can see based on my reviews lol), and this did not disappoint me. I didn‘t find it scary or even creepy but more so just really twisty and fun. I loved the two sides of narration and seeing how the story developed. Super fun and quick read, I couldn‘t put it down.
4/5. This book was a pleasant surprise! Not my usual preferred genre but I really liked it! The characters were fantastic, I loved the female leads and how the story developed. I‘m looking forward to the next book in the series!
4/5. Overall a really fun read! I live for reality tv and drama in that regard and this book was right in that vein so I enjoyed it! The characters were fun and interesting as well.
4/5. I really enjoyed this one, was a super quick read with pretty good twists and turns. The actual plot was kind of strange and with Riley Sager books I‘ve learned how things start are usually not how they end and this was another good example of that. Overall, would recommend!
3.5/5. I can now say I‘ve read all the books by this author. The twists in this one felt really predictable but also really weird. It was easy to get into and I enjoyed reading it but reflecting back it wasn‘t Riley Sager‘s best work in my opinion and just fell a little flat for me.
5/5! I LOVED this book! It was so refreshing to hear a different take on a bachelor-like show with a strong female lead. There was diversity within the characters which I also loved. It was a quick, funny and heartwarming read. Highly recommend!
3/5 for me. I love thrillers- this is my go-to category but this one took a long time to get interesting and I just didn‘t love the characters. Twists were honestly pretty predictable.