Amazing books!!! Loved them so much! The story, the plot and the characters are all incredible!!! I will continue to read this series!!
Amazing books!!! Loved them so much! The story, the plot and the characters are all incredible!!! I will continue to read this series!!
Really enjoyed the first three books in this series. Bad parts: the first book read more like a second book. I think some parts could have used more detail on the type of world it is and how it works. Kate's hidden past was easy to guess, no big reveal. Good parts: I loved the chemistry of the main characters and there were a number of scenes that I could have read over and over. Overall I really liked them and would continued reading the series.
This is the second time I've read this book and I love it. Such an amazing story.
Really enjoyed this book. However I wish they indulged more into the world hopefully the next ones explain and expands upon it. I liked the characters but I found Deven's character lacking... didn't feel much of anything towards him but I hope the next one delivers. Over all I still I enjoyed it.
Such a nice read. Only took me two days to read the whole series as it's easy reading but it doesn't make them any less enjoyable. Sometimes it was confusing as it would start in the present then flip to a few hours in the past. I find the world and the culture creative and interesting (which i guess is why they are read in school). So happy I finally figured out what happened to Jonas and Little Gabe.
I thought this book was well done! I really enjoyed it, it did have a love triangle but unlike others books I think this was done the right way. I like the twist it had. I liked the world and liked the story. Can't wait to get the next one.
The first two were okay but the last one was my favourite, and I think made up for what the others lacked. I wish it had explained more about what group had what abilities. Some where obviously named but others I had to guess at or wait until someone with that ability did something and even then it wasn't quite clear. I really liked the ending. I'll have to read the Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom for I hear good things about them.
Not a bad series. I felt like it had to many characters however. Instead of the chosen six, there should have been only three or four. Then it could have focus more on how the friendship developed for it seemed to just happen over night with some. Over all it wasn't bad but it's definitely for the younger audiences.
Love, love love these books!!!!! What a wild ride from beginning to the end!! Amazing world, Amazing battles, Amazing story! I simply couldn't get enough!! I recommend these to anybody who loves fantasy books.
Love this series! She's a girl with no magical power but has a clever and smart mind that makes up for it! Not to mention her pure determination and her ability to lead! I adore reread these books and they never get old.
Love this series so much! Out of all the Tortall books these are my favourite!! I never get tired of reading them! Always feel like I'm revisiting a old friend....even if that does sound lame it's still true!
These books are absolutely amazing. They are the first books that immerse you into the magical realm TortalI! A place of wonder, beauty and girls that kickass! I reread the entire collection every 2 years or so.
I doubt I will read these books again, I never felt any type of connection to Eona. The storyline overall was good and it was an interesting world, however I personally felt that Eona was hypocritical and selfish I didn't like her. I found myself wanting to just finish the book quickly and be done with it.
I loved the overall story. It was super funny in places. I felt like the climax should have had more and that the story was missing something; however that could have just been me waiting for something supernatural to happen like with Meyer's other books. Will definitely have to re-read this book to see if I feel the same the next time.
It's Harry Potter! You can't say it any better than that. For those the have only seen the movie you are missing out on so much. The movies are awesome but the books are legendary!!!
"It's not the face, but the expressions on it. It's not the voice, but what you say. It's not how you look in that body, but the things you do with it. YOU are beautiful" - Ian