I love working at this indie bookshop! 😍
#GerakBudayaPenang #Malaysia #Bibliophile
I love working at this indie bookshop! 😍
#GerakBudayaPenang #Malaysia #Bibliophile
This is how a lot of us feel, I think. Meticulously reconstructing the masks we wear each day and watching ourselves fall apart each night.
My latest book haul!
Beautiful, just beautiful. A story that weaves in both elements of fantasy and realism. The story itself is written in the style of a fairy tale but captures the very essence of wanting or longing.
Not a fan. Was supposed to read this for my Malaysian Lit class, and I find the story too rushed, the characters unrelatable because of the pace. Lacking in substance. Writing style is "juvenile" but suitable for younger readers. Fight scenes poorly constructed. Sigh.
The Normal is the good smile in a child's eyes:- alright. It is also the dead stare in a million adults. It both sustains and kills- like a god. It is the Ordinary made beautiful: it is also the Average made lethal.
-Language is courage: the ability to conceive thought, to speak it, and by doing so to make it true.
-The world, somebody wrote, is the place we prove real by dying in it
I usually find that in terms of writing style, some authors do not deliver on the "advance the action" bit. Do you agree with Vonnegut?
Just getting started